December 11, 2018
It’s for certain that Trump’s rallying for US Senate candidates during this year’s mid-term campaigns has proven crucial to his ability to get many things done in the next two years of his first term. However, there were just too many House races and too little time to rally for them even though Trump did say, over and over again, how important the House elections were.
For sure those of us who have paid attention to what the Dummyrats had planned for this country, did understand the threat posed to the Trump agenda. We did vote and we did do our best to get our family and friends out to vote.
But, quite typical of the politically un-involved Republican citizen, many of theme who voted in the Presidential election, couldn’t be bothered to do so in the mid-term. They were blissfully unaware of the pending repercussions related to their apathy. Many are still clueless and probably will not know what they have allowed to metastasize, at least for several more months. When they see what the Dummyrats have planned for our President, the lights will come on. Hopefully not too late.
Okay, enough “spilt milk” contemplation. It is now time to prepare for and combat the Dummyrat Party’s coming attacks. They will be ferocious, relentless and will border on criminality. Their efforts will dangle on the edges of sedition. They will stop at nothing, including destroying our economy, in order to satisfy their insane and irrational hatred of Donald J. Trump.
They will end all the Congressional investigations into the illegal activity of the DOJ, the FBI and so many, many deep state operatives. They will begin searching for a crime, a wrong doing or anything that they, with the help of the fake news, will be able to blow out of all proportion. The ultimate goal will be to prevent any implementation of a Trump agenda and having him impeached or forced out of office, or hung by the neck til dead. Don’t doubt this.
Congressional Committee investigations into every imaginable aspect of Trump’s entire life will begin. There will be demands for decades of tax returns, confidential correspondence between Trump and any human he ever spoke to. They will demand transcripts of his nightly prayers and copies of his golfing score cards.
It will be a nightmare, if permitted. While Dummyrats are inept at understanding the economy or the concepts of our Constitution they are experts at creating mountains out of mole hills and fabricating criminal statutes out of thin air.
The Dummyrats can pass damaging bills but they are powerless to implement them. First of all they will have a tough time getting bad things past the US Senate. Secondly, even if they do, Trump’s veto can not be overridden. There simply are not enough votes in either house.
He will continue to get Federal judges approved and hopefully at least one more Justice to the Supreme Court but nothing else will happen, good or bad. Hopefully the many things Trump has done in his first two years will sustain the growth in the economy.
In the upcoming State of the Union address Trump needs to inform the Dummycrats, the fake news, the country and the world, that he will not stand idle while they try to destroy him, his agenda, and the economy.
The politically motivated congressional investigations will go on without the help of anyone in his administration.
Unfounded and unconstitutional requests for documents, appearances before committees, attempts at intimidation will all be ignored and referred to the United States Supreme Court.
Congress will be required to present evidence to the White House of any wrong doing before anyone will be allowed to testify. This must be solid evidence, not speculation or irrational desire.
Certainly no request will be honored for a fishing expedition.
Any and all of his people, where there is no evidence of illegal activity by them, who have refused to testify in “crime search” activity, will be pardoned, if it goes that far.
Trumps new Attorneys General will begin indicting all those responsible for illegal activity regarding FISA abuse and illegal spying on American citizens.
Every individual that has had anything to do with the outrageous Mueller investigation or were in support of the framing attempts on Trump, must be fired.
Any and all individuals in the State Department, or any agency under the auspices of the Executive Branch who have espoused adverse attitudes toward the President or his agenda, must be removed.
Build the wall even if it means shutting down the government or using funds allocated to the National Defense.
So let the spoiled crybabies sob, whimper and whine. Daddy Trump needs to send them to their rooms and ignore their tantrums until such time as they can come out and act like grownups.