TPATH REMARKS November 30, 2018
These past few weeks we have seen a long list of liberal characters, politicians the likes of Obammy, fake news analysts, too many to name, Hollywood jerks also too many to name and singers such as Bruce Springsteen chatter on about how cruel American conservatives are because they refuse to let thousands of unknown immigrants stream across our borders and dissolve into our neighborhoods.
All these people have only one agenda and it has nothing to do with compassion and everything to do with control, power and manipulation. Granted, idiots like the self proclaimed “mentally unstable Springsteen” may not be aware of this fact and may in actuality think the foolish positions he takes against Republicans are the right things to do.
People like him have come by their massive wealth, comparatively speaking, so easily they harbor huge inner pangs of guilt. They have no intentions of really doing good for the poor and under privileged by giving up enough of their wealth to make a difference, after all no need to take this compassion thing all that far. So they do the next best thing. That is act like they care. After awhile they start to believe it themselves and as a result, they can begin to dissipate that satiated inner guilt.
Just a bit more about Brucie and heartfelt rebukes aboard his liberal soap box, from where he chides this country on what it should be doing when he himself admits that he has severe mental issues. Oh yea! Sign us all up for that lecture.
But where Bruce and the other mental cases we listed above do integrate, is in the real world reality of being able to not just isolate themselves from the dangers of the violence, disease and lowering of wages their crazy compassion has wrought, but also they completely absolve themselves from the devastating results others must endure.
Most of us know of and have spoken about the gated mansions, the walled off estates and the armed security guards these elites have managed to immunize themselves with, but it may be time to confront them with a very simple question. They will of course refuse to answer.
Concerning the many and massive so called “caravans” which in reality are leftist funded campaigns to destroy America, everyone knows that within those hoards of human fodder there resides criminals, coyotes, murderers, gang members and drug smugglers. There are also, even acknowledged by the City officials of Tijuana, people who are far from healthy. They carry aids, TB, syphilis and many, many other bacteriological maladies.
To paraphrase this country’s most failed President in history; “these people are thousands of miles away, they are women and children. What are you conservatives afraid of?” That is not just revolting and disgusting it is dangerous beyond description.
The implication in that statement by Obammy, and espoused by the other phony players in this crisis, is that, yes there may be trouble within the ranks of the invaders, but there are women and children whom need compassion and besides the percentage of dangerous people is so low we need to ignore that and let this massive spillage of unknowns stream into our country.
Now for the question referenced above. All those living in the gated communities protected by top notch armed guards will be 100% insulated from any related crimes or diseases the likes of which most to the country will be subjected to. The poorer the community, for certain, the greater the vulnerability.
Where the elites and the regular masses converge, to some extent, is that most have children, grandchildren or other loved ones whom depend upon them for support and safety in that many of the upper elites hire people to watch their children, to teach their children, and even to feed their children.
So as the left claims that only 10% of these caravan people are dangerous, let’s apply that to how they would handle such a percentage on a personal basis, if applied to their children.
Imagine how a Springsteen would respond if you told him he had to pick one of 100 people, without vetting or asking any one of them questions, to be left alone with his children. But before he chooses he is informed that as many as 10 of them are known to be pedophiles involved in drug smuggling and murder as well as carrying contagious diseases such as aids, TB and syphilis.
Would Springsteen, in as cavalier an attitude as he shows towards the environment he would cast upon the non-upper crusts, cheerfully say, no problem, I’ll take two please?
Of course he wouldn’t. Not even for a fleeting moment would he or any of the other elites consider doing something so stupid and irresponsible with their children. But when it comes to your community, your homes and your children, well you should be happy to put your loved ones in jeopardy in order help the elites palliate their guilt.