Dwight Kehoe
Mach 29, 2019
The left has, for many years, been using several terms and phrases as weapons against their political or ideological opponents. These attacks have not worked out for them lately, at least not as well as they have in the past. For example, they have over used the word “racist” to the point where most people tune out at its mention. Another is the word “Nazi”. Whenever the left is in the process of losing a debate, which is every time the facts are presented, their opponent becomes a Nazi.
Since these two words describe the most horrible, disgusting human activity, it is the favorite slur of the left. But the overuse of it has deflated its unspeakable past thereby despoiling the evilness of those in human history who practiced and implemented those things.
The other word weapon over employed and misused is now their favorite. Phobia. There is a big difference between the actual meaning of the word and how it’s applied to the enemies of the left. It is a two pronged attack, a double edged sword. The first identifies the target as not just mentally ill, but more than likely, acquired that illness as a result of inane hatred, racism and bigotry.
As we delve deeper into this, let’s take a look at the real meaning of “phobia” according to Webster.
Phobia: persistent, irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation that leads to a compelling desire to avoid it.
Now we need to breakdown the descriptive words Webster used for phobia.
Persistent: Constantly repeated, consistent.
Irrational: Not in accordance with reason; utterly illogical
Fear: A distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, and or pain
First let us dissect the word irrational. Would it be rational to believe that sticking your hand into a boiling pot of oil would be not harmful? Would it be irrational to think such action would be safe and sanguine?
The thought of that boiling pot would illicit a very strong fear if someone attempted to plunge your hand into it? Would that fear be irrational?
Imagine if you will, that your wife and daughter were trapped in a dark ally and several MS-13 gang members followed them there. Would it be rational or irrational for them or you to fear the impending activity? Even if you knew all MS-13 gang members were not rapists or murderers, would your concern be an irrational one?
The next question then should be this. Over the years and decades, if you have seen, been informed of or watched horrible bloody, murderous killing sprees, where innocent men, women and children were slaughtered without mercy or empathy and perpetrated by followers of a specific religion, would it be irrational to have a compelling desire to avoid them or anyplace they might be?
If more than 95% of over 100,000 people murdered in such a manner, met their fate at the hands of that identified group, would it be rational if you feared them and their intentions? If it’s rational, it can’t therefore be irrational. If it’s not irrational then it cannot be a phobia.
They may call it phobia but we know, it’s something else.