A Story of Never Before
This world is experiencing something that has never before happened. The yore of the American experience and the annals of the human continuum have never seen the unfolding of a narrative such as it is at this moment in time.
During these past three or so years it would be easy to allow these many events passage without note. Whether your mindset is conservative, or it wallows in vacuous liberal ideologies, or you simply plod through life void of any particular political motive, the evidence of something exceptional is mounting. As events once deemed impossible become reality, it less likely that anyone could ignore that there is wonderment unfolding before the eyes of the world. It is a sure bet that enemies of our country, both foreign and domestic, have taken notice.
Consider America’s traditional position as the stabilizer of world events and the power behind international economic viability. Consider as well, that it has been the constitutional freedoms and liberties, which the American people have imposed upon our government, which have placed this country, on the world stage, as the beacon for goodness and hope.
Now consider the diminution of those attributes during the past several decades. The leaders of both political parties in this country, the news media, academia, Hollywood and the music industry have been chipping away at all of them.
1. Politicians have weakened our military by cutting funds and by socially engineering fox holes.
2. Schools have stopped teaching American history and replaced it with politically correct evaluations and degradation of our forefathers.
3. The media and politicians push pot and and pharmaceutical drugs as if they harbored less side effects than rock candy.
4. They have allowed our borders to remain porous thereby encouraging the dilution of our culture and the wages of hard working middle class Americans.
5. Killing babies in the womb.
6. Encouraging assisted suicides.
7. Striking God from our schools and towns.
Each of these abettors have joined in the evil endeavor of a slow but sure destruction of the one stable and reliable refuge for mankind. America.
Many good people who have seen this and offered warnings of the coming catastrophe have quickly been dispatched. No one has been permitted to challenge this agenda nor to survive the effort. Until now. Until Trump.
No one has ever run for any high office and won, without having had years of political experience running for lesser offices.
Donald Trump did just that.
Never before has a politician survived the onslaught of corrupt journalists and news channels once they have focused their cross hairs on him. No politician, once elected, has ever survived that same relentless attack for more than a few months.
Donald Trump has.
The power, the might, the unlimited funds made available to criminal government officials have worked night and day to destroy Donald Trump. Never before has one man been able to not just battle them but to defeat them at every turn.
Donald Trump has.
No politician or business person has ever survived government spies being embedded into their organizations, such as has happened to Trump. Spies that not only tapped telephone lines, recorded emails and texts from everyone in the campaign but they also planted false information and worked to entrap campaign workers into doing something illegal in the name of their candidate.
Donald Trump survived all that.
There must be some form of good working to help Trump and by extension, this country. May God have assigned him some help? Some true believers may be inclined to that supposition and I for one could not rule it out.
Donald Trump has been the most successful politician in history. He has been the most honest elected official as relates to keeping promises. He has accomplished more in just two years than any other full, one or two term president. For sure he has had some help from his many deplorable supporters. But could there be something else in play here? A kind of destiny?
If you wonder why Trump Derangement Syndrome has overtaken the deep state and all the criminals and crooks dwelling therein and the many corrupt politicians and head bloated journalists, you need to think about this:
Here are the teams of the competition:
A. The existing Obama Administration, deep state officials, classless bureaucrats.
B. The corrupt FBI, CIA, the NSA armed with FISA warrants and backed by unlimited funds.
C. UK spies.
D. Nasty slime dwelling political opposition researchers.
E. The entirety of the massive news media.
F. The Demonrat Party gangsters.
G. The spineless Never Trump Rinos.
H. Leftist actors and actresses, comedy shows and cable TV personalities.
I. Appeals Court judges intent on fabricating law that fits the get Trump agenda.
TEAM ONE’S AGENDA: The destruction Trump so that the destruction of America can continue.
TEAM TWO - Donald J. Trump and America’s Guardian Angel
TEAM TWO’S AGENDA: Make America Great Again and drain the swamp
Score: Team One = 0
Team Two= Over 150 accomplishments and counting
One might begin to see why TDR has reached epidemic proportions.