July 7, 2021
It may be too early and presumptive to make a declarative statement regarding the outcome of the full forensic audit in Maracopa County, Arizona, which is at this time nearly complete. Having noted that, no one who has been paying attention to the fiasco known as the November 3rd election could possibly doubt what the country and the world is about to see.
Coming up next week, Mike Lindell will be holding a symposium where he will show how votes were changed during thousands of hacks by bad actors across many countries. He has been given the hard and fast, the undeniable proof, of these incursions gathered and recorded by the white hats in the United State’s intelligence community. ( yes, there are still a few there)
These vote changes, from Trump to Biden, from Republican to Democrat down ballot, will be the backbone of the undeniable truth that will show Joe Biden and many Senators and US Congressmen are sitting in seats that were stolen for them. Much of the steal was from mail in ballots, adjudicated votes and double or triple tabulating of the same votes. But a very large part of the purloining was done via access to Dominion voting machines and the software which permitted it.
Does anyone here in the corrupt state NJ think that our votes counted, or that those Dominion machines were pure as wind driven snow? Even Democrats could not deny this with a strait face. The nasty little secrete is that here in NJ and most likely other states, the cheating has been going on for many years. Decades even. While these subversive tactics were dominated by Democrats, many Republican hands are just a dirty.
As the people rise up and demand an accounting for November 3rd, they will get a first hand view of whom those complicit in these crimes against our Republic are. Watch for which ones support a full forensic audit and which ones hide under their desks.
First thing we need to do is whatever it takes to get an audit of the election. It is understood that this will be as daunting a task imaginable here in NJ where the legislature is dominated by liberal Democrats and many spineless Republicans. Most of whom may well be occupying their elected positions illegally and with the assistance of crooked software and cyber hacks.
The second thing which needs doing is getting all Dominion voting machines, as well others which use the ES&S software, the hell out of NJ. Seventeen counties employ Dominion voting machines, the other four have different machines but powered by the same software as Dominion. Paper ballots, voter ID, one day voting and no mail in ballots except for military and government employees stationed out of their home state.
A tall order? For sure! But let’s at least make as much noise as possible. Let every RINO know he /she will face primaries. We must let them know we have had enough. Enough cheating, enough illegal legislating bu illegally placed politicians.
Understand that your tax dollars are being used to cheat you out of your vote and install anyone they want, the voters be damned.
There are people working to make this happen. Send TPATH your email address and you will be hooked up with some very wonderful patriots.
Email: tpathwpe@protonmail.com