September 15, 2020
As many of my conservative friends likely are, I too am absolutely astounded as to the compliance, not simply by the masses, but of just about every institution, organization, and businesses who have acquiesced into the wearing of ineffective masks or face coverings.
It seems as if almost no one, out of the several billion people inhabiting this planet, has the forethought or insight to investigate and then challenge the autocratic idiocy of wearing face masks.
The people have been told that while the mask is not perfect, it will at least prevent some transference of this virus. Who would be so callus, so selfish, as to not want to do his part in preventing its spread? Droplets, they have warned us, from a cough or a sneeze will be prevented from entering the air and thereby stop the aeration and spread of this of the disease.
But is that true?
No, not even close. Here’s why. Even if the pores (openings in the mask’s surfaces that allow the wearer to breathe) could stop the passage of the virus, which it cannot do, most of the expelled breath escapes the mask around the edges. It is the breath that carries the virus. Those edges have as much chance of stopping the passage of COVID-19 as the grand canyon has of impeding the flight of a bird flying through it.
As far as the pores of the mask stopping the virus, that is also impossible. A virus has dimensions as do mask pores. The virus has a diameter of 0.1 Microns, the opening, even in very high quality masks are from 1,000 to 2,000 times larger. It makes no sense to think that this airborne virus will be either contained or kept at bay by wearing a mask. Every breath could contain millions of virus organisms. It just takes one to infect a person.
It’s better than nothing?
Getting back to the statement where they say “okay, maybe it’s not perfect, but it’s better than nothing”. Does that compute?
No, in fact it’s just the opposite. The mask will restrict the passage of bacteria and co2. This build up is quite unhealthy.
Here’s more.
Suppose for a moment that a food shopper is a carrier of the virus and has just sneezed into his mask and those nasty droplets of spittle have been successfully blocked from splattering on your package of ground beef. Where have those aggressive little viruses gone? Well, for the few that did not escape around the edges or through the pores on the initial explosion of breath, they remain active and viable inside the mask until the next exhale, at which time they will quite easily pass through and flutter into the air. Every breath will in fact expel more.
This virus is airborne as it is lighter than air and would then float around awaiting an encounter with you and your ground beef. Six feet of separation is no safer that 2 or 20. If it’s in the air, and you walk into it, it will be sucked into your lungs through your mask and even into your body through your eyes.
That is he reason this virus is so very contagious. Masks and social distancing, as much as those people working to keep you shaking in your boots continue to regurgitate, will not prevent even one transference.
The good news in all of this is that as the numbers come in from around the world there is only a 0.3% chance you ever will even test positive and then only a 0.04% chance you will die from it. There is more danger in driving to the grocery store than getting the virus while there.
Let’s now look at the logicality of saying, if your mask stops just 10% of the viruses expelled during the aforementioned sneeze, is that not enough of a reason to wear one? Not quite.
So here is a scenario: You are being lowered into the Amazon River, inside a submersible cage, where thousands of starving piranhas are thrashing about. As you begin your decent you are being told not to worry because even though the bars are much wider than the size of those ravenous meat eaters, several of them might bang into one of the bars in their initial frenzied attack. Would you consider that cage an effective way to keep your flesh attached to your body?
Today is September 15th. The last day we shall allow ourselves to be manipulated by left wing politicians trying to destroy our President by destroying their own citizens.