February 1, 2019
Everyday, Conservatives are dished new and evil servings of nasty left wing vitriolic pabulum. It comes with an intensity most of us have never seen. Why is there so much hatred, anger and emotional rancor?
Since this major decline in civility, congruent with the growing malignity which has engulfed the snowflake society, any attempt at discussing or debating issues has become impossible. Most of this anger is directed at Donald Trump but attacks on his supporters, both physical and verbal seem to be the default outlet.
Most of us who have watched Trump, listened to him and then became supporters, find it difficult to comprehend the volatility and intensity of the disdain which erupts at the mention of his name. When w see all the wonderful things he has done for the economy and our country since becoming President we wonder where the loathing has come from and how its intensity has grown to the point where what’s good for America is no longer good at all.
For sure Trump is not the typical Republican candidate the left is accustomed to in that he never sits back and takes slander or attacks, such as generations of Republicans, before he arrived on the scene, were wont to do. Having said that, no one has suffered scathing remarks or satirical jabs from Trump without having first initiated the discourse.
That little fact is not ignored by the mass of Trump haters. It’s been hidden from them. In fact anything and everything good that DJT has done, since and before he has become President, has been secreted by the Fake News. There are so many instances where the Fake News has taken statements out of context, simply fabricated quotes and assigned malicious intent to anything Trump has said or done, it would take thirty pages to list them all here.
However a major one does need to be mentioned for it was one of the worst of so many pernicious fabrications designed by the press to instill fear and loathing of and for our President. During the SC melee Trump said that there were good people on both sides of the issue, which was whether certain historical statues should be removed. He was not talking about the KKK, the press knew it, but reported that he was. This lie is one of the main reasons that blacks believe Trump is racist.
Since the press is largely comprised of liberals, leftists, Communists and liars whom in the past have been able to destroy any Conservative they set their sights on, their natural pestilence for Republicans has magnified as they have come to realize that all they have worked on, all they have produced, all they have invented, in order to separate Trump from his supporters, has failed.
The reason is that Trump supporters see both sides, they see the good and the bad as it really is, not as it is composed by the press. Those who only ingest the filth from the fake news have no scale with which to weigh both sides. They read, they watch, the see, hour upon hour, of left wing fabrication with all opposing views filtered out.
They see the lies, the fake news, the imaginary crimes aimed at Trump and never see a retraction once exposed. When one falsity is debunked they offer no apology nor feel any guilt for destroying not just the character of their target but the integrity of journalism. They merely move on to the next inflammatory speculation.
While they have not been able to destroy Trump in any eyes except the ill informed liberals, they have succeeded in destroying civility. The masses speak of Trump’s hate, when all we see is hate against Trump, we hear from the snowflakes how violent Trump supporters are and all we see are Trump supporters being pummeled.
Whenever you see those nasty physical attacks, violent confrontations and disgusting verbal threats directed at anyone whom disagrees with these leftist mobs and surreptitiously blamed on Trump or his supporters, you know it has been inspired and encouraged by the Fake News.
This shall be their legacy. The burden of revitalizing the public’s confidence in the media will fail for many generations to come. They have only themselves and their irrational hatred, inspired by vengeance and ideology to blame.
The disgustingly vile, dishonest fake news media are truly the enemy of our Republic and a threat to our liberty. The blame for this violence, assaults , or God forbid deaths, can only be laid in one place. At their door step.
What a shame.