February 14, 2019
By Dwight Kehoe
As the main stream media parade one global warming expert after another, on one fake news program after another, even good hosts, of which there are just a few, always fail to challenge the so called “settled science”.
It is way past the time that someone did ask these people for scientific proof or mathematical evidence that human contribution of Co2 is warming the planet. This article will provide simple and exacting proof of this ongoing hoax.
It is absolutely certain that what will be presented here is well known to most scientists and experts. The ignoramuses, also known as Demonrat voters, are kept far away from such logic, facts and common sense. Manipulating “emotional minds” is and has been a task quite simple.
Before we get started the question of why the three main groups of global warming champions purport or support this illogical and mathematically impossible message.
Left Wing politicians: To them it’s about control. Large amounts of cash in the hands of lobbyists. Destruction of America’s economy and the diminution of America’s roll in the world.
Scientists and Researchers: Money. No global warming, no bundles of government tax payer supplied research cash: without which they would need to find a productive job.
Snowflake Masses: These people have no real purpose in life, so saving the world by preventing the use of resources gifted to mankind from God, gives them a sense of worth, while remaining worthless.
While the statement above concerning the knowledge of the global warming hucksters is true, as this document was researched several scientists and engineers have been questioned about the most critical aspect of man’s contribution to Co2. Two such fellows, one working for many years at NOAH and the other who has a degree in “Environmental Global Engineering” (what ever the hell that is) could not hazard a guess as to what percentage of Co2 is in our atmosphere. The NOAH scientist, when pressed for a guess, suggested 40%.
The chart below which breaks down the makeup of the atmosphere indicates to us that our NOAH gentleman’s guess was just under 90,000 times too high.
One needs ask himself if a government scientist can be this far off, this uninformed about the basic structure of the global warming narrative, what else could he possibly be wrong about? The answer: Just about everything.
Note: Ozone, the most important greenhouse gas other than H2O, was not included in this chart because it is found very high in the atmosphere and is produced by sun particles crashing into oxygen. Also not included is Methane (CH4) which is so small in percentages it has no possible effect on global warming. (0.0003)
The chart below shows just 1% of a 100% vertical graph and gives a visual aspect to the volume of Co2 in our atmosphere at the present time. This total includes Co2 produced in nature and the amount man contributes.
This next chart is pretty much self explanatory. It shows the percentage of Co2 produced by man and his associated activities. The percentage used in this chart was supplied by the Sierra Club, a very left wing organization. Lower estimates have been reported by other groups, but to dissuade any thoughts of bias, Sierra Club’s estimate has been used.
The chart shows the human contribution to be .00144% or stated in a decimal format (.0000144), and represents the amount of Co2 in relationship to the entire makeup of the atmosphere.
Note: A little addressed aspect of Co2 is that it is a heavier component than the other gases and as a result very little remains in the upper atmosphere and but settles very close to the planet’s surface which leaves just a small percentage of the .045% lurking in the higher altitudes. This fact greatly relieves it of it’s full green house capacity.
The chart below proves that, despite the relentless fear mongering, there is absolutely no possibility that humans can alter the atmosphere or the climate resulting from productivity of Co2.
Numbers do not lie. The blue graphic on the left in this chart represents the total amount of Co2 man generates as a percentage of the entire atmosphere. That amount is so astoundingly small that it’s difficult to represent it on a chart. That number is ( .00144%).
The second graphic on the right shows the amount of Co2 contributed by man if it were reduced by 50%. The red graphic shows what would need to be done to achieve that goal. Cutting to the bottom line, half of the world’s population, productivity and activity would have to be eradicated in order to cut Co2 totals by .00072% or as a decimal (.0000072)
One environmentalist after seeing this data still claimed that we need to do all we can to keep Co2 from our atmosphere because we don’t know what bad effects there would be, even in the small amounts he now admits we produce. His argument was ended when he was informed that, in fact we do know from ice core samples, many times during the history of our planet Co2 levels were as much as 10% higher than they are today and the planet was colder.
Contrary to all the bluster about Co2 being a toxic gas, it is nothing of the kind. There are stories about people dying of Co2 as if it were a poison. No one has ever died from CO2. Since Co2 is heavier than oxygen, if too much is in an enclosed area, oxygen will be displaced and anyone in there will die of asphyxiation (lack of oxygen), not Co2 poisoning.
Yes it is. But not just good, it’s vital. Without Co2 there would be no vegetation on the planet, no vegetation means no animals, no animals means no people. Vegetation needs Co2, the higher the level, the more productive and healthy plant life becomes. In fact plants thrive even if Co2 levels are increased by 100%.
Simple! Carbon dioxide is the one element produced by mankind as a result of our activity. To control man you need to first control his activity. It is no more complicated than that.
Hopefully, this report will provide American’s with enough information to combat those people looking for control over them. We must continue to be informed and be willing to inform others.