December 23, 2020
You are looking at the face of a murderer. A man who lied to the world in order to line his pockets and post his tiny little weasel self on podiums of power.
While this scoundrel is responsible for funding the Wuhan Lab in China where the COVID-19 virus was manipulated and released on the world, this is not his most evil crime. Even as evidence points to the possibility that the virus was part of the CCP’s effort to destroy Western economies, at this point that still has not been proven satisfactorily.
What this creature has done is even more sinister, more heinously malefic than his assistance to the creation and deliverance of the Wuhan Virus.
This man stood by for 9 months knowing that there was a prophylactic and remarkably effective treatment for COVID-19. While he trashed HCQ (hydroxychloroquine) as dangerous an unproven he refused to support President Trump’s desire to get it into the hands of the people, he knew HCQ could save hundreds of thousands of lives.
Instead he chose to allow this virus to kill people, destroy lives and families. He stood by while businesses were crushed and the world economy was devastated by idiot power hungry political nitwits, knowing from the very first days of this outbreak, how to control it.
This seems to be outrageous speculation and even bordering on defamation. It is neither. There is unequivocal evidence of what is in this report. The only thing that could not be uncovered (yet) is how this mass murderer is or intends to profit from world wide vaccinations. Surely its out there and it is time there was a complete and thorough investigation into his finances.
So what do we know? What evidence do we have? We know that Dr. Evil Fauci has known for at least 15 years, possibly even longer, that the Corona virus was easily controlled and prevented using HCQ. How do we know he knew?
The Virology Journal , the official publication of Dr. Fauci’s National Institutes of Health, published a blockbuster article on August 22, 2005, under the heading, get ready for this, “Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread.” “We report…that Chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage.”
We report, however, that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage. In addition to the well-known functions of chloroquine such as elevations of endosomal pH, the drug appears to interfere with terminal glycosylation of the cellular receptor, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2. This may negatively influence the virus-receptor binding and abrogate the infection, with further ramifications by the elevation of vesicular pH, resulting in the inhibition of infection and spread of SARS CoV at clinically admissible concentrations.
Chloroquine is effective in preventing the spread of SARS CoV in cell culture. Favorable inhibition of virus spread was observed when the cells were either treated with chloroquine prior to or after SARS CoV infection. In addition, the indirect immunofluorescence assay described herein represents a simple and rapid method for screening SARS-CoV antiviral compounds.
NOTE: This report was issued under the direction of Dr. Fauci and it was posted in The Virology Journal on August 22, 2005. This can mean only one thing. Fauci not only hid the facts but lied about them, which resulted in death and misery across the country and around the world.
Here is a link to the report referenced in this article.
His deception and complicity did not end with those lies. He has known from the onset that this virus stagnates in the air and is not effected by gravity. He knew that even the most expensive masks could not prevent the transfer or passage of it. He knew that 6 feet or 60 feet would not be a safe distance. He knew that people would be infected while wearing masks and social distancing. Why? The answer is more infections, more deaths equal more money.
He needs to be arrested and imprisoned for the
rest of his revolting disgusting life.
Contact: tpathwpe@outlook.com