Dwight Kehoe
July 26, 2019
Ms. Tlaib:
The anger and hatred you display on a regular basis which you direct at Israel, Jews and white males shows not just your visceral contempt for cultures not of your own but your ignorance of historical facts as well.
At least 7 different times over the past 70 plus years the leaders of the Palestinian people have been offered a homeland with borders. They have been given hundreds of millions of dollars from countries you despise. What have your so called leaders done with those opportunities?
Let us first talk about history and homelands before we go into how the future of countless millions of Palestinian people has been squandered. How misery and poverty has been assured for every new generation as hatred is regularly injected into the hearts and minds of every child born under that despotic Palestinian Authority.
Where, Ms. Tlaib are the boundaries, the borders of the fanciful Palestinian homeland? This you cannot define, because it never existed. There never was a Palestinian country. Your people were nomads living in communes and under the authority of many nations such as Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and spread as far as Egypt, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. And yes they also were in Israel, which by the way represents less than 10% of the nomadic territory your people roamed.
So why does the Palestinian leadership only lay claim to Israel? Two very interesting reasons. The first is those other countries refused to put up with the trouble the Palestinian leaders and terrorists were imposing and as a result, they were dispersed and expelled. Israel did not do that and hence the hordes massed in Gaza and the West Bank. Oh for sure many Palestinians remain in those other countries but they know better than to cause trouble or demand a homeland there. The second reason all eyes are on Israel to give their country to the Palestinians, is racism. No one can deny that.
During the last 72 years Israel has turned her land into an economic powerhouse, built a strong Democratic ruling system, made medical advances and scientific discoveries. All, despite having had to fight off several multi-nation invasions, the undermining of its sovereignty by the United Nations of Anti-Semites, the constant PLO attacks on school houses and places of worship along with the need to expend valuable resources on national defense.
What then has your PLA and PLO done for you and your people, your children and your future? Whether you want to admit it or not, and you surely will not, they have done nothing but spread hatred, racism and poverty. They have refused to accept a homeland offered to them many time over and have instead, chose to use money given to it to build not schools and hospitals, not research laboratories, not Universities. They have used those resources to build bombs which killed children, they spent countless millions on digging tunnels for the sole purpose of slaughtering civilians, they have purchased missiles and rockets with which they fire into Israeli neighborhoods. With this history, with this murderous activity, you and your ilk now have the nerve and arrogance to lay culpability for Palestinian despair on “white men” and Israel?
This Tlaib, is the legacy of your past and present leadership. It is your legacy. This will be your future. Until and unless you and your leaders wake up and face the reality that Israel will never be vanquished, its people will never be driven into the sea, the future of the Palestinian people will remain bleak and poverty stricken. It will take a strong leader with insight, courage and compassion to end this cycle of hatred and despair. You could have been such a leader, but instead you have chosen to continue the plight of your people by blaming everyone except yourselves for your adversity.