Many of us who watched the 2016 Presidential campaign remember quite well how Obammy broke with tradition by inserting himself into the electoral process. Presidents from the days of George Washington up to and including even the slimy sexual predator Bill Clinton had always stayed out of the campaigns which immediately followed their terms.
Given that BHO proved, over an over during his 8 year reign of economic terror and destruction of our country, that he cared little for any tradition or precedent, it really did not surprise most of us who followed his anti-American antics that he would choose to violate American custom.
One pre-election campaign speech he gave was memorable for its uniqueness in that he actually devoted some time to talk about a few issues instead of himself. Looking back now he should have stuck to self aggrandizement because those remarks on the economy have come back to the fore. They once again have shown, not just the ignorance he is chained to, but the blatant hypocrisy he is so comfortable wallowing in.
Even now as he continues to infest this mid term election, he still has no clue. He believes he can have it both ways. Of course the leftist main stream media will give him a pass, but Conservatives will not.
Recall if you will, his rolled up shirt sleeves, which were intended to relate to all those watching that he was a hard working servant of the people. His message that day was that America had to suck it up and find other ways to exist because manufacturing in America was finished, done, never to return. Food stamps, welfare and free Obama phones were the only answers.
His now famous line, paraphrased here but accurate; “ These jobs are never coming back, what does Trump think he can do? He can’t do anything because nothing can be done. Does he plan on waving a magic wand?
As we see now that hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs are returning, factories are being built or refurbished, Trump likes to joke about Obammay’s magic wand remarks by saying, “looks like we found the magic wand!”
But it really goes beyond that. Trump did not find BO’s elusive wand, he has what Obama never will. It’s called intelligence, drive and love for this country. In short Obama clearly needed a magic wand. Trump did not.
Returning now, as was inevitable, BHO is once again stumping for crazy leftists in the 2018 mid terms. Referring to his favorite subject, himself, he is now claiming credit for the economic manufacturing revitalization.
So let’s try to understand this, while he was President he told us only a magic wand could fix the economy, a wand he clearly thought did not exist, but now he claims that it was he who got this done, even though he told us it couldn’t be. One must be a wacky liberal for that to make sense.
Just in case Obammy did start this impossible recovery it seems prudent to ask ourselves what exact policy or policies did he implement that generated such prosperity?
Was it the hundreds of power plants he forced to close?
Was it the coal industry he tried to bankrupt?
Was it the many oil and gas pipe line projects he refused to approve?
Was it the billions of dollars in cash he sent to Iran?
Maybe it was some of his stirring speeches he gave around the world about how evil America is.
Was it all the un-vetted refugees he let into the country who preyed on American citizens?
Was it his policy of releasing illegal criminals into our society?
Was it his weapons program where he opened up arms trade to MS-13 and drug dealers.
Was it shutting down off shore oil exploration which forced dangerous deep water drilling?
Was it throwing away tax dollars on one failed solar panel company after another?
Was his blocking of exploratory drilling in Utah and Alaska?
Was it his spending tax dollars on advertising in Latin American countries that any child showing up at our border will be welcomed with open arms and free stuff?
Was it adding over 7 million new food stamp recipients?
Was it agreeing to pay carbon tax to third world dictators?
Was forcing millions of Americans into over priced and useless health care?
Was it his outrageous deficit spending which doubled our national debt?
Actually he did even more wonderful things like encouraging quantitative easing (creating billions of dollars out of thin air), using the IRS to squelch free speech and threatening American’s that there is no future for those whom disparage the Islamic pedophile, Mohamed.
Anyone of these could very well have been the impetus for this great rebirth of the economy. It only took 8 years, a magic wand and oh yea, someone called Trump.
TPATH REMARKS November 17, 2018