March 18, 2019
On the 12th of August, 1930, evil was born into our world. An evil which has not subsided or died off but instead has flourished. Misery, manipulation and murder of millions of people were the fodder and impetus of that malevolence.
Perhaps soon and prayerfully so, this monster will be facing judgement and then entry to a real hell, equivalent to the one he helped support here on earth. Spending eternity with an entity as evil as he, will be a reward well earned.
We are speaking of George Soros, born a Jew but by the time he was a young man he had turned on his people, betrayed his heritage and assisted, without remorse then or today, the Nazi’s attempt at eliminating his race. Many believe that the fortune he harbors this day, was built upon by the bloody confiscations of property from his own people, while working with the Nazis.
To this day he claims his youthfulness as a defense, a defense he has made clear, really needs no explanation. As if any teenager would assist the death of millions of people, his own people, in the goal of saving oneself.
Compare this concept to an alternate one. During that war and others which followed, many heroes gave their lives in an effort to save a few fellow soldiers in combat, or have flung themselves on a hand grenade to save a buddy. Now visit once again the idea that a young Soros would assist in the slaughter of millions in order to remorselessly save his own miserable hide. Lucifer awaits!
Where does this monster find refuge in these modern times? In the camps of the DNC, Hillary Clinton, unPlanned Parenthood and the America left, all in support of a Socialist New World Order.
If there exists no heaven nor a hell, death for this creature would serve no purpose, no penalty, no payment. Everything our God has created does have a purpose. We can only pray that He has a few purposes selected for the likes of George Soros.
Dwight Kehoe