February 28, 2019
Before getting into the heart of this article it is extremely important to understand how vile and inhuman the enterprise of slave trade and the owning of another human being is. I use the word ”is“ here, because it does still exist in many parts of the world.
Even more barbaric than the actual servitude generations of African people had to endure was the beginning of those treacherous journeys to a life of dismal bondage. That of course was the hunting down and capturing of men, women and children, by what can only be called “traitorous bounty hunters”.
As bad as the terrifying capture and transport to the shipping docks had to be that was nothing when compared to the incredibly horrific conditions these people were cast into for the ocean voyages to Europe or the Americas.
Many of these trips were unpleasant for the sailors, the riggers and even the officers of these vessels. Many became, on a regular basis, sick and some died. But they were in heaven as compared to the hold where the future slaves were held. Hundreds of men, women and children thrown into the bottom of a ship, piled on top of one another. Not enough water or food to sustain them. They were afforded no means to remove urine, feces, blood and vomit. Truly, a place of hell on earth.
Ignorance of science, along with the elitism of many western cultures that believed Africans were sub-humans, to be used as any other animal or beast of burden, gave cover to the despicable practice of slavery. That, however, is far from a viable excuse as to the treatment of these poor souls. It’s difficult to understand how so called human beings, the slave traders and transporters, could treat living beings in such barbarous ways.
Even as the world wide slave trade began to dwindle, slavery endured. New generations of black Americans were born into a life of servitude and abuse. These new generations were not subjected to the horror of kidnapping and transportation in the hull of death ships, but never having known freedom, it is not difficult to understand why they were easily controlled by their owners.
Education, except the barest necessary to perform the tasks required, was denied them, as it was understood that education would be the strongest weapon to forge a path to liberty. By the way, the Demonrat Party of today understands that all too well. That is why their efforts to prevent good education to minorities is vital to their miserable agenda. But that, as they say, is for another story.
If there were any human beings alive today that were subjected to and were forced by any government to live a life of misery and bondage, I would be first in line to support substantial reparations for them. Even if a majority of the government’s governed, disagreed with the policy, all should pony up something for having stood by and allowed such evil to exist.
America is generations away from the last living slave or slave owner. However, descendants of the actual sufferers, rightly feel not just compassion for the their ancestor’s plight but anger for those who perpetrated it. This is something everyone can relate to.
Therein lies the problem. No slaver is alive in America today, nor are there any slaves. Important to note too, there are no people alive today who lost a father, a son or a brother in the war for emancipation. The people whom died in that war, in that epoch, paid reparations with their lives.
It is understandable that disgust and anger are felt by today’s African Americans and bears heavily upon many. But forcing compensation from those who took no part in the generation of those emotions, would be in itself, immoral.
Now for the very difficult question that must be asked. To the small number of black Americans who legitimately feel pain or others who simply feign it, in what way would they respond to the following dilemma? < If you could go back in time, and by some way or means, you had the ability to change history, to change the hearts and beliefs of society and thereby prevent the industry of slavery from ever happening, would you do it?>
That query should not be answered without deep thought. Because if that dastardly business of hunting, kidnapping, trading and transporting human beings never existed, not one black of African slave decent would be living in America today. They wouldn’t have died, they just never would have been. Even if, as many do, one believes that every human being was destined by God to be conceived and born, if not for the evil of slavery, they would not today be living in the greatest, freest country the world have ever seen.
Of course this same question could be asked of many people from many parts of the world. Being Irish, my ancestors came to America as a result of the potato famine. Many Jews are here today as a result Nazism. Many, many events have brought countless millions here.
Would anyone who actually had the power to reverse evil, actually do it, if it meant he would be sentencing himself to non-existence? The initial thought would be a sense of insult. Of course what man or woman would not sacrifice themselves if it would save millions? The answer to that is very few. But wait, there are more consequences that need to be considered.
Changing history would not just selflessly prevent your birth but so many of your loved ones as well. Your father, your mother, aunts, uncles, children and grandchildren would cease to exist.
Is the idea of reparations for any wrongly done people simply agenda driven political postulation? You decide. But keep in mind it’s more productive to strive for a better future than it is to dwell on an evil past.