December 13, 2018
“Judge” Napolitano is one of a growing number of people working at FOX who have been reigned in and “brain chocked”. Several years ago he was sent off to the re-education camp after making some outrageous remarks, none of which are important at this point. What is important is how he has given up any sense of independence from the Deep State.
One might excuse a lamebrain, irrational, left wing, fake news commentator for indulging in self inflicted Trump Derangement Syndrome, but Nappy is a lawyer, or at least a shadow of one and he should know that what he said on FOX news yesterday was not just absurd but idiotic. He believes, or lied, that the Judge in the Cohen plea bargain sentencing ruled that Trump was guilty of campaign law violations. The judge ruled nothing of the kind and the judge would have no authority to do so.
Micheal Cohen was sentenced for crimes he admitted to, but did not commit, so he could skate on serious crimes he actually did perpetrate. Only a newly arrived visitor from another galaxy would not know that he did that because the Deep State had his peanuts in an ever tightening vise as a result of their desire to run Trump out of office. Cohen lied about supposed crimes involving the President, so as to avoid spending the rest of his life in prison for fraud and tax evasion.
To clear this up for some, including FOX’s Herman Munster Jr., when a person pleads guilty to a crime, that guilty plea is not a legal adjudication of guilt. Why? Because he was never tried and convicted of it. Therefore, any implication of second or third tier conspirators has no legal value. Those persons would not be ruled guilty without themselves being charged and found guilty in a court of law.
Cutting to the bottom line, the fake news commentators can nourish their TDS while excitedly and breathlessly reporting, once again, Trump is finished. However reality rules in that a criminal being charged with major crimes cannot convict another person of any crime by way of a plea bargain. Imagine the chaos that would generate. Every lawyer and judge in this country knows this, except for one, Napolitano. Who would pay this jerk for legal advice? Oh, FOX News does.