Dwight Kehoe
April 5, 2019
As each year passes and the ideological divide widens, the Constitution and the Amendments have become the enemy of the left and as a result its relevance and our freedoms will continue falling into a tyrannical abyss.
The Court systems, both Federal and State, supported by the left wing media and political hacks, have had little difficulty finding things in those documents, which do not exist. For example they found that one human had the right to end the life of another for the former’s convenience. Another was changing the meaning of “freedom of religion” to “freedom from religion”. All the while, the overall context and intent, clearly written into our Constitutional documents, are routinely ignored. The 2nd Amendment and the requirement for a President to be a natural born citizen are just a two of many.
Article II and its 4 Sections layout the precise and exact qualifications and requirements for a person to hold the office of the United States Presidency. I looked real hard to find any requirement which removes the protection of the President’s rights under the Constitution in general and the 4th Amendment in particular. Are we to believe that the most powerful citizen in the entire country should somehow have less rights to privacy than a dishwasher, a school teacher or a business executive?
The Founders were brilliant men. Every aspect of the Constitution and its workings had been discussed, weighed and evaluated with very close scrutiny as to what the requirements would be for a person to hold the Presidency. If they wanted to have the President give up his rights as a citizen, while demanding that he take an oath to protect the rights of everyone else, they would have included that in Article II. I looked very closely. It is not there.
Senator Lindsey Graham, the on again off again, Trump lover and Trump hater, declared that “it would be good for the country” if the President were forced to open up his private life to the sharks and wolves. No Mr. Graham it would not. If it would be a good thing the authors of the Constitution would have provided for that. They, being a lot smarter than you Senator, understood that opening up of personal and private information to contrasting parties would be crazy. The 4th Amendment does not end with “except the person running for or holding the office of the United States Presidency”.
The bottom line is the President has the same rights and liberties as every other citizen and his private life must be protected. It does not matter if others before him released personal information, whether coerced or not, precedent setting or not, every president should have the right to privacy.
If however, there were some evidence of criminal activity, done before a candidate’s presidency, the voters would have the last word. On the other hand, a huge enterprise such as Trump’s would be subjected to a “fishing expedition” the likes of which we have not seen since the Mueller witch hunt. I suspect the Founders took activity such as that into consideration when drafting and then approving the Constitution.
It’s time the President’s people understood that. If indeed they really are his people. Every request for information mining would be a violation of Donald Trump’s 4th Amendment rights and should be responded to with this simple line. “See you in the US Supreme Court.”