October 2, 2019
Dwight Kehoe
Bandied about over many hundreds of years have been the contemplative deductions about the existence of a Creator and the opposing not so contemplative fantasy which requires the spontaneous unaided presentation of the universe.
While the ability of a god to have always been, stretches the level of human comprehension, the alternative theory which requires an infinite leap into the fanciful self-consummation of any object, one as small as a quark or as unfathomably large as the universe, to spontaneously create itself, will no doubt be debated for the millennia to come.
Certainly there remains many questions about the world we exist in but one question, as of this epoch in the timeline of our species, which remains not just unanswered but no one of any intellect has even the smallest amount of understanding whereby they could even begin to explain it.
Advances in science and mathematics combined with the power of super computers and astoundingly intelligent individuals, have all failed to explain its existence or its formulation. For sure, they have been able to measure it and produce equations that predict its effects. They even know where it comes from but nothing they have learned or have computed can explain why it is or why the thing that regulates it, does so.
Scientists have not been able to build an instrument that can artificially produce its effect, either positively or negatively. If they could, we would be one step closer to God and one step closer to changing our world forever.
One might say God has given mankind this gift, without which, the universe could not exist. He has however, left no clue as to how it works. At least one that we have found as of now. It is almost as if He is sending a message. Here, He says, is something so common that you will take it for granted until such time that you realize that even in its apparent simplicity and man’s powers of calculative thought, will stretch far beyond your cogitative ability understand it.
What is that message?
That there is no answer?
That there is no physical, mathematical or natural cause?
What if it exists only because God wants it to?
These ideas cannot be ignored until such time that man can define how this gift is created and produces the effects that it does. The prospect of it being a riddle who’s only answer is His existence, cannot be rejected. So, until that discovery is made, mankind will just have to weigh the gravity of how something can be, without any cause other than His will for it to be.