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JANUARY 17, 2019


The long and oft used axiom “love him or hate him” if not previously penned would easily have found authorship into our modern day lexicon and done so specifically for Donald J. Trump.


Never before, at least in my memory, has a public figure so embodied that phrase. There were some famous people that could have worn that mantel: people like Cassius Clay aka Mohammad Ali, or even Abraham Lincoln. But none have been able to carry that maxim like Trump.


The question then must be asked, why? How is it that a man whom prior to running for President was moderately liked or disliked, could become both loved and hated to such extremes?



The people who love Trump are easily posted to one pretty simple category. They are people who have been watching with dread and foreboding during much of their lives as their country slowly but surely was being destroyed. To them, there seemed to be no hope. A dark destiny for their children and grandchildren was virtually assured. No politician or leader, despite grandiose rhetoric, ever stood their ground against the ongoing socialist mastication of morality and cultural values.  


Then came a man, known to all but a few, whom spelled out these ills and then not just suggested cures but promised, and believably so, to actually implement them.  These followers are not dreamers hoping for freebies or easy paths to equal outcome for all. They are people who want fairness and equal opportunity and to be left alone to live their lives the way they see fit.


As the months went by and Trump’s supporters saw that he was not backing down, he was not going to abandon his promises under the unrelenting onslaught, they became more supportive. And as that support grew so did the love and admiration for him solidify. With every promise he kept and every unfair attack he endured: the more it propagated.  This group I will call Patriots.


CATEGORY TWO (Globalists)

Group 1

This group is not so simple in that it is made up of many factions.  The first group harbors hatred, which could be better described as fear. This cabal is dominated by corrupt and deeply entrenched bureaucrats, politicians growing wealthy from corporate donations and graft, and those corporate executives who put profits before patriotism.  Trump is a threat to each of them.


Group 2

The second group, 98% of which is made up of nutcase, left wing loonies who by default hate anything conservative or patriotic.  This caste encompasses main stream news channels, journalists, movie stars and news paper publishers. The venom on display by these people is so over the top, so irrational and so dishonest, it is difficult to think that even they believe it. But they do. This group is not motivated by wealth or money. Quite the opposite, they are driven by a self inflicted syndrome of loathing.


Group 2 is by far the most deranged. On a daily basis they create their own irrational hysteria. For example, some slightly less than stable commentator, on one day suggests he knows what Trump is thinking. And since the commentator’s brain is pretty sick, it’s not a good thought.  After several days, this commentator as well as the rest of the obsequious media, now treat the original perception as true. Scenarios such as this have been going on for two years now and will continue as long as Trump is in office. Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is real and there is no cure mostly because professional psycho-babblers are just as infected as their patients.


Group 3

This Group is made up of America’s inhabitants who have been indoctrinated in our schools since the day they first plopped diapered butts on day care seats until they day they graduated from college with degrees in love making of Ethiopian tree frogs to studies on a more humane ways to prepare hamburger.


Those comprised here are not just ready and willing to be manipulated, they need to be. When they are told something, to whatever extent it is ridiculous or irrational, they believe it because they have been trained to accept anything that fits their ideology.


While the basic ground work in the brain washing of Group 3 was done by the education system, the rancor is now being driven by the media. They fabricate incidents, create scenarios, place intent into the actions and thoughts of Trump. They lie about his accomplishments, divert alternative information and label his every move as evil.  They do this by altering audio and video, taking statements out of context or simply attributing to him, nasty words and deeds which never occurred.


The majority of those Americans who claim they despise President Trump do not feel that way because of what Trump is or has done. They hate him because of what they have been told he is or has done. Their ability to question or reason, has been erased.


Very few of TDS sufferers ever recover but the outrageous activity of the Deep State, the media and others has begun to unravel and we are seeing less and less people being infected.


So, the next time you hear about Trump’s hate and his racism try to remember where you have seen hatred, where you have seen racism. It will not have come from Trump but from the haters and racists on the left.  

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