Dwight Kehoe
August 16, 2019
Dear Mr. President,
Every person who has watched the government over many years has seen and also then had to endure bad law created in haste as a result of some tragedy or crisis.
Events such as the mass shootings in the past weeks are exactly what the left needs and desires because they represent the only way that they can get this kind of left wing, socialist driven legislation rammed through and made law.
Last night at the rally in New Hampshire you sent a clear message to not just those in the arena but to all your supporters. You promised you “will never let us down”. I for one believe you and I believe you intend to do just that.
At the same time, it is evident that you have to quell the wolves nipping at your heels and thusly you have agreed, in principle, to discuss background checks and the possible use of a Federal “Red Flag” system. As you know, there already is a background check system in place and while it has stopped a few bad people from purchasing firearms, the Obama Administration prosecuted very few of those who attempted to make illegal purchases.
However, the background check is not what your voters, your supporters and a very large percentage of Americans, regardless of party affiliation, are concerned about. The Red Flag issue is.
If a Federal Red Flag law is passed through both Houses, which on the surface appears to stop violent criminals and mentally ill people from legally owning a firearm while at the same time giving left wing anti-2nd Amendment bureaucrats another mechanism to assist them in their goal of disarming the American citizen, many, many of your supporters will consider your promise to “never let us down”, to have been violated.
There is no way that there could ever be a Red Flag law written, no way to word it, that would protect Americans from those who would abuse it. Even now after two years of swamp draining, the government is still infected with socialist ideologues. After you leave office that swamp will once again begin to metastasis.
Any Red Flag law on the books, from the moment it is signed, will be used everyday to disarm law abiding citizens. We know it, you know it and most importantly, they know it.
Of course individual states can go about passing their own Red Flag laws and many actually already have versions of it on the books. While those laws are most assuredly unconstitutional the only relief from them is to move or have the United States Supreme Court declare them as such. It is doubtful it will ever do that and if the Federal government has Red Flag laws instituted.
No one can deny there is a need and a desire to identify and then remove the threat of an unstable or criminal individual. But it can never be done without trampling on the liberties and rights of the vast majority of law abiding citizens. Living in a free country has its value but it also has its costs. If we are to be free we also need to accept the reality that being free pertains to everyone, even those with evil intentions. It is part of the equation of liberty. Those who would elect to give up a liberty for the sake of security will end up having neither. (Someone smarter than me coined that many years ago.)
For any law enforcement body, Federal, state or local to have the authority to show up at a person’s door, confiscate his means of self protection, based upon one or even several unproven or un-adjudicated accusations would be so very dangerous to the society they deem to be concerned about.
Gun grabbers across this country are drooling at the possibility of passage of a Red Flag law. Especially one quickly and carelessly enacted with the assistance of spineless RINOs. Let’s not hand them another tool they will use to push this country into government subservient Farm Animals.
Just as there is no possible way to prevent those with evil desires from getting possession of firearms there can never be a Red Flag law that could be kept out of the hands of socialists harboring their own evil intentions.
Warm regards Mr. President,
Dwight Kehoe
Tea Party Advocate