Many of us know about the hard work and the accomplishments of President Trump during his first 3 years in office. But little has been reported on the superb 8 years of Obama. Below is a reminder of just his top 25 legacy setting deeds.
TOP 25
Successfully toured the world apologizing for American imperialism.
Allowed Eric Holder to transfer assault weapons to Mexican drug cartels.
Passed Obamacare which raised health care cost by an average of 80%.
Informed Americans that there would be “no future” for anyone who disavowed the Muslim Prophet.
Used the IRS to subvert and suppress Political groups.
Made it clear that only a “magic wand” could ever bring industrial jobs back to America.
Shut down the life blood of the American economy by preventing off shore drilling and various pipe line projects.
Regulated the coal, natural gas and nuclear industries out of business.
Took in huge donations from solar companies such as Solindra after giving them billions of tax payer dollars.
Sent $5 Billion in cash to the terrorist state of Iran.
Unfroze $150 Billion of Iranian assets while admitting that much of that money will be used to finance terrorism against the West.
Informed the country that there was no way that Russia or any country could change the outcome of US elections. (Finally got something right)
Made a deal with Iran that insured it would soon become a nuclear armed terrorist state.
Sent people to Israel to interfere with the National Election.
Removed defensive missile systems from various Eastern European countries which were being threatened by Russian aggression.
Stood by and did nothing while Russia invaded and annexed Crimea.
Threatened Syria with “consequences” if it used chemical weapons on civilians then did nothing after Syria did just that.
Called the Boston Police “stupid” for asking someone for ID who was trying to get into a home, at night, without a key.
Allowed his State Department to unmask hundreds of conservatives.
Either instigated, initiated or looked the other way as the CIA and FBI spied on an American citizen and a political opponent’s campaign.
Released Islamic terrorists who returned to murdering infidels.
Paid a huge amount of cash to get a deserter released who was responsible for American soldier’s deaths.
Prosecuted American soldiers who were trying to survive for breaking his “rules” of engagement while fighting terrorist Muslims who had no rules.
He communicated with Hillary on her illegal server but denied knowing she had one.
He speculated that if he had a son, he might be just like the street thug Travon Martin. (He may have gotten this one correct too.)
Dwight Kehoe