The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20500
Attn: Mr. Biden
February 8, 2021
Dear Mr. Biden,
As we sit here today it appears that the well organized plot to violate the Constitution and get whomever it is that gives you orders through your ear piece into power, has been successful.
Many patriots do not believe that this disgusting episode in American history has seen the curtain fall on the final act. However, it is clear those immoral characters who planned and implemented this farce, do. The screenplay for the final act is still being written.
But this letter Joe is not about them. It is about you, your children and their children and the legacy of which they will have to endure. It is about this abominable criminal enterprise which transplanted you from your basement into the Oval Office. Yes, right now with the corrupt media, many frightened RINOs, the spineless Judiciary and the decadent Democrat Party, at this moment in time, this fictitious facade of honor presides. But it’s decay awaits.
The entire world knows, though it is not clear what if anything you know, that as the empty shell of Joe Biden sits in the most powerful seat on the planet, he represents nothing more than an empty puppet on a string. Joe, you will be remembered not as the victorious combatant of a well fought hard campaign who won the support of millions. Your story will be one of a man ordered to remain hidden while the evil forces planned and implemented the largest election fraud in history.
History, and those who write it, will not have the corruption, bribery and insane ideology controlling their narrative as do the present unprofessional journalists and the debased media. Everyday, despite the efforts of the massive deep state cabal, the evidence is mounting and it is your children and grandchildren who will suffer the humiliation associated with such disgrace.
And now we are seeing the arrogance and immoral actions, being perpetrated in your name, by those who participated in the destruction of your legacy and future free elections. They know and if you didn’t, you do now, that you and the extreme positions of the now Marxist Democrat Party have just been devastatingly defeated.
So Joe, even as there may be the proverbial skeletons gathering dust in your closet, all of which you know and need not be represented here, you do have a chance to put right over wrong, morality over evil. You can stand up for our country and prevent its decay into the tyrannical abyss into which it is now on a quickened decent. Only you can stop the future disgrace which is now facing your family. That is not to say however that there are not many in the battle against this outcome. Because there are.
All of the uncomfortable roads you traveled in the past will either be compounded or relegated to insignificance depending on what path you choose to take now.
Joe call the House and Senate leaders and tell them you cannot, in good conscience serve as President of the United States under the circumstances in which you have been placed there. Admit you were not honestly nor legally elected and concede to Donald J. Trump, the true landslide victor.
Dwight Kehoe