Dwight Kehoe
December 21, 2019
Recently while scrolling through my FB page I came across a post from a very good friend and a superbly decent person. She appeared to be upset that people were posting what she described as political bull s___ on her page. Why that post made it to my page, I can only guess.
Let me first say to her that I understand your feelings and desires to be separated from what is, at many times, a revolting subject. But having said that it must be understood by some who use social media, many use it because of frustrations about what they are seeing in the news or other places. Many people use it as a form of therapy. These platforms help relieve some of the anxiety and helplessness they are being overwhelmed with, day in and day out. Some however, use it as a communication device, a watch dog apparatus.
Before I go on it is import for everyone whom is linked, somehow, to my FB page to know that when you go there, you will be seeing political content. The reasons for which I will discuss later in this post.
Please understand that I only post things on other people’s pages whom I know want to see it or has shown some interest in my work, insight and research. The last thing I ever want to do is upset anyone, especially someone I respect and like. So for those who, after reading my reasons for activism, do not want to see those posts, please use the drop down box and click “Block”. It works every time. I know because I have used it many times, not to block alternate thoughts, but nasty, vile and vitriolic messages that served no purpose other than hate.
Now! Let’s return to BS Politics. One would be very hard pressed to find any sane or even insane person who would not agree that most politics and politicians, from either side of the isle, are indeed mired in BS. No one really enjoys reading about them, talking about them or God forbid having to look at them. But, there is however a very sinister reality concerning politics and politicians. It is that genre and those people who will control you, your family and the destiny of our country. And that is no BS.
Even as many of them appear to be pencil necked geeks, over weight slobs, or slimy ignorant liars, it is they who hold the power. The power to give some people things and the power to remove those things from others. They may sound like bloviating fools and look like holding a firearm would send them into cardiac arrest, but they have the upper hand. What they legislate or adjudicate will be supported and enforced without empathy and with the vivacity of armed authoritarianism.
The American dream, American exceptionalism and American culture, whether one comes at its defense from the left or the right, are not under direct threat from foreign military invasions. A strong Federal government is more than capable of defending us from that. Thanks to some very recent improvements.
A strong and unimpeded government, ruled over by BS politicians and directed by BS politics are more than capable of working against the rights of the people and our Constitution. They are at it every single day.
In closing, it is understandable that many would choose to ignore politics and politicians and dream dreams of prosperity, kindness and a loving future thereby hoping for the best but sacrificing little to get or remain there.
However, as those who simply dwell in a wishful utopia they need to understand that many will continue the fight even if the sights, sounds and smells of the battle make some want to wish away any thought of mierda de toro.
History predicts dystopia will be the outcome sans those who are willing to stay involved and work to preserve our God given freedoms. Mankind’s tumultuous past is rife with the annihilation of civilizations who chose to ignore tyranny until tyranny prevailed.