FEBRUARY 19, 2019
(Excerpted from The Polar Vortex Part II of several years ago.)
Polar ice and sea levels.
Let's run some numbers on one of the many global warming alarms: Melting polar ice.
We have been told that 12 cubic miles of Greenland's ice is melting away every year and that will cause the sea levels to rise by 24 feet. Years ago Al Gore warned the world that by the winter of 2014, there would be no ice on the North Pole.
Since that prognostication of fear has not exactly come to fruition and the northern hemisphere has been suffering the coldest winters in over a century, it appears that that total melt down has been delayed for just a bit. It being impossible for lefties to ever admit their falsities, there then arose a need to explain the dropping temperatures around the world.
Enter, The Polar Vortex. This, according to them, explains how global warming is forcing warm air up to the North Pole via the overheated Atlantic Ocean and the result is frigid weather being forced south down through America’s heartland. There you have it, global warming is now causing global freezing.
No word from Al Gore as to how an ice depleted northern continent, as it was predicted to be by 2014, could now be sending -50 degree weather to the entire northern hemisphere. But he will come up with something, he always does. And idiots will believe him, they always do.
Now, back to the sea levels.
Let's look at a few numbers and facts. Those pesky things that do nothing but cloud an important environmental message. Greenland has an estimated 604,800 cubic miles of ice. If, as we have been warned, 12 cubic miles of ice are melting every single year, you may actually have somewhere around 50,400 years to prepare the life boats. That is how long it will take to melt all that ice at a 12 cubic mile annual loss. One can never prepare too early, so you may want to consider moving to the mountains, just to be safe, in say 25,000 years, give or take a few centuries.
Of course, typical with most information on warming chicanery, they claim there will be a 24 foot rise in global sea levels, which may happen before you get home from work one night. Of course there are no calculations provided to you because they don’t need to do calculations. They just need to tell you and you just need to listen and believe. Got it?
We have done stoic and complete calculations based upon the world's connected waterways, while taking into consideration the density of ice as compared to water. What we found was the sea levels would rise just under 11 feet but it would take more than 50,000 years to get there at Al Gore’s predicted rate of melting. However, unfortunately for Gore, but fortunately for the rest of the world, more than 13 years after his prognostication, there has been no change up there in the North Pole. It seems nature is refusing to comply with pre-programmed computer models. Imagine that.
Here is the data, without showing the calculations that can be done by anyone with a large number calculator and applying simple mathematics. The South Pole by the way, and even Al Gore admits this, is gaining ice mass yearly. We have left that data out but it is important to understand that more ice in the south would offset much of the total rise from the supposed melting of the north.
There are about 150,826,300 square miles of connected sea bodies on this earth. If every single square inch of ice in the northern hemisphere, as listed above, were to melt, the sea levels would rise 19 feet. This takes into account that large percentages of northern ice are immersed or are made up of the ocean and that water volume increases by about 20% when frozen. A good estimate is that 15% of the northern ice mass is in or a part of the ocean water. Melting that ice would actually decrease liquid volume and lesson the overall effect of rising sea levels.
The woe of the polar bear.
How many of us and our children have seen the pictures of the forlorn and desperate polar bear stranded on an ice berg not much larger than a lily pad, starving to death and hopelessly floating out to sea? The phony story line for that is you drive an SUV and are responsible for the disappearing ice and it’s your fault the polar bear is clinging to the last known piece of solid footing just prior to drowning.
The truth about that polar bear and all polar bears is that aside from whales and dolphins, they are the most proficient swimmers in the mammal world. In fact they spend as much time in the water as seals, walruses or even penguins. Polar bears have been known to swim over 600 miles. It’s more likely that the polar bear in that very sad picture was on that ice flow because it is fun. And, distinctly opposite from what the global warming quacks have reported, the polar bear population has never been larger than it is today.
Glaciers do what gravity commands.
The other pictures we are shown are those where the ice from the polar caps is dropping into the sea. We are told that the rate of this loss is so alarming that in several years all this ice will have melted and raised the sea levels which will put homes in Kansas under water. All that needs to be done to keep this hoax going is for you to forget all the prior ominous predictions which have come and gone and just tremble over the new ones while writing checks to the UN for carbon emissions.
The Sierra Club which has made some of these videos and pictures available have refused to release information on where or when they where taken. We found out why. They were taken of glaciers which have not melted into the sea but have reached the sea and fallen in. Glaciers form in the upper elevations during decades and centuries of snow building up and then compacting under their own weight. The more they grow, the heavier they get until the sheer mass and weight begins them moving slowly down the mountains across the plains and then into the sea. Because of the laws of gravity, it's what they do. Not global warming- gravity.
The bottom line? Glaciers move downward toward the sea, regardless of how often you exhale C02 or how often you drive your SUV.