September 10, 2020
I just returned from a meeting with the Monmouth County Republicans during which we discussed the Idiot King Murphy and his Executive Order which will require mail-in voting for everyone in the November 3rd election.
That EO by the way is one of over 170 Comrade Phil has signed since the so called pandemic has begun. Several of which were orders to extend the emergency even though the emergency has been long over.
As listed in the meme above here is the information, in more detail, gleaned from our meeting of September 9, 2020.
On October 5th the state of NJ will mail out over 6.1 Million ballots to every person registered in NJ. They will be sent, knowing that there are as many as 300,000 registrations for people who have moved, people who are dead and even for people whom are not people.
This is being done, according to the criminals running our state, to protect the citizens from COVID-19. The reality of which is they are trying to foul up the election so badly that Trump and most Republican candidates will never know who wins. See TPATH’s article on the implications of this.
Even if you filled out the on line form to be excluded from receiving a mail-in ballot, you will get one. That form by the way was for previous elections and is not viable via these EO’s.
Every town and city in NJ will have open polling places that will have machine booths but no able bodied or stable citizen will be allowed to use them. As idiotic as it sounds only the legally disabled can use those machines. Not surprising too, that EO also allows for the disenfranchised to vote in person if they choose to. There was no definition of who that might cover, but I’m guessing you can guess.
There are several methods whereby you can cast your vote. Here is a description and explanation of them.
Fill out the mail-in ballot you received in the mail. Take your time and fill it out carefully. Don’t forget to sign it and to do so exactly as your name is registered. They will be looking very closely for reasons to toss your ballot unless you are a dead or disenfranchised Democrat.
Hand carry your ballot to the polling place in your town on election day, November 3, 2020. Give it to the poll worker sitting at the sign in desk. Do not give it to anyone but the worker and watch as it is put into the proper box or pile.
It is important to know and remember, when dropping off a ballot on election day at your polling location you are allowed to only submit your own. They will accept only one ballot per person. Understand that they may accept more than one ballot (if they are swamp creatures) but put them in the void pile once you have left.
Drop boxes will be placed in various locations where you can drop your filled in ballot, on or before November 3rd. These boxes, according to the Republican Party will be emptied and carried to the voting commission via teams made up of both parties. This, they say will ensure that no unintentional or intentional mishaps will occur.
Remember that in 2016 there were many RINO’s working against Trump and there may in fact still be some stealth bombers working in the Election Committees. We have no idea who they are and if they would in some way work with Demonrats during the collection process. This is doubtful but very possible.
For this reason, please be advised that this method should only be used if there is no way for you to get your ballot to the polling place on election day.
Use the USPS (United States Postal Service) by placing your ballot in a mail box, if you can find one that Trump has not stolen, hand carry it to your local post office or give it to the carrier that delivers your mail.
Here is why:
Many of us have seen postal workers dumping campaign mail and other political material into dumpsters and even in vacant parking lots. How many have done this and were clever enough not to get caught? How many will try this during the mail-in process?
The USPS has endorsed Braindead Biden which means there are many whom would do dastardly things or look the other way if they saw untoward happenings.
Using the postal service will allow for too many hands and prying eyes to ID your ballot, which from what we can ascertain, will have codes on the outter envelope which indicate the mailer’s party affiliation. Your ballot may not be so scrutinized but everyone should do all they can to ensure it is not.
Under normal conditions the USPS has problems handling your mail. During this time they will we inundated with additional mail. Let’s let them handle Democrat mail. Not yours.
President Trump has filed a law suit in Federal Court and will request an injunction on Murphy’s naked effort to steal this election. If the court follows the Constitution, and it might, those ballots will not be sent out. This for certain is a long shot, but it is out there.
This legal action has viability as this mail-in voting violates everyone’s right to vote anonymously: A basic function of free speech. Anyone and everyone opening your ballot will see whom you voted for. This presents so much possible opportunity for intimation by employers, or even by family and friends. This might encourage people not to vote or not to vote for someone not approved by family or employer. This cannot stand.