By Dwight Kehoe
June 15, 2019
A question I always like to ask politicians who claim they support the Second Amendment is almost never answered correctly. It’s a very simple question: “What is the Second Amendment?” Most professional Demonrats refuse to address the combined definition of the wording as they endeavor to twist, manipulate and shape them into a narrative consistent with what the emotional part of their ideology is telling them.
While the Republicans who are asked, being mostly supportive of the concept, also very rarely get the answer right. Most will say that that Amendment gives the American people the right to bear arms. That answer is not correct. Well then, if the 2nd Amendment does not “give” us the right to self defense or provide a privilege, what does it do? Simple! It controls. Not guns, not the people, but the government’s attempt at infringement upon our natural rights given by God, not man. In short, it tells the government what it can’t do, not what the citizens can do.
Gun control advocates, not speaking here of those in leadership positions but of those whom have been brainwashed by those so called leaders. These people argue that times have changed and that in these modern times only America stands out in the western world as it continues to cling to the concept of an armed citizenry. They claim it’s barbaric and any firearm usage is immoral and dangerous to society. Some of what they say is true. Having law abiding citizens armed, is dangerous. Dangerous to criminals and corrupt governments.
It would be good to point out that an armed America is not the only standout quality we have. America stands out for it’s freedom, liberty, economic stability and for having a government which understands the danger it will put itself into if it gives the people cause to confront it.
While America maintains it’s freedom to move about, work and play, that benefit does not just reside here. The American people have the power and if necessary the will to prevent our government from going rogue. As a result, it is our American government which keeps many other governments in check. Our right to bear arms, while seemingly barbaric to the sophisticated elites of the world, provides for them an environment in which they can rest easy and sleep well. Why? Because the American people are armed and on guard and we always will be. As we protect ourselves from tyranny our resulting government protects much of the world. You are welcome!
No one who advocates for and defends the right to bare arms is cold to or in anyway disregards the fact that firearms kill. That many times each year, the world over, people die as a result of accidents or crimes. Nor is it cold to state that while it might be hard to admit that those things are a fact of life, the overall benefit of liberty and freedom outweighs the bad.
America and the world has made a decision concerning many other important activities which are required to make life better, productive and stable for the vast majority. Accidents on our highways kill many more thousands of innocent people each year than does accidental or illegal usage of firearms. Still many more people die each year in aviation accidents. Mishaps in the work place and during sporting events kill even more people. No one would suggest that the world eliminate those things. But they have no problem working towards eliminating the people’s right to defend themselves as they focus on the plight of the very few while ignoring the prospect of the good for the majority.
Conservatives value individualism but society must operate for the good of the many and should never be guided by the needs of the one.
Listening to liberals, leftists and RINOs, as one must do if we are ever going to understand them and thereby defeat them, we hear how wonderful it would be if there were no firearms anywhere in the world. They believe that passing gun control laws can actually and eventually accomplish that utopia. The left harbors the inability to accept the reality of life, the cast in stone history or the idea of coexisting with the outcome of human activity.
Reality! Firearms will never not exist. And, as long as they do exist, there will be villains and tyrannical governments that will not hesitate to employ them against innocents or dominate the citizenry. That is why true conservatives will never allow themselves to stand at a disadvantage. Those who refuse to acquiesce to the fantasy of an unarmed mythical place, will be the ones who stand guard for those who choose delusion over reality.
Suppose for a moment that there was a world in which firearms didn’t exist. Would there then be a paradise where humans would not prey upon other humans? Or, would there be a world where no one was safe because predators would be fearless? Could a woman feel secure anywhere, if she had to defend herself against a 220 lb rapist? Would an unarmed elderly couple be confident that they could fend off an attack from a 30 year old home invader?
The Second Amendment then is not just a legal document forged by our Founding Fathers, but too, it is the greatest equalizer of the people. No predator, villain, or home invader, because of the Second Amendment, can ever know for sure if he stands in clear physical dominance over an intended victim. As of this date in time and history many evil culprits have taken that chance just prior to taking an eternal nap.
Patriotic Americans will never allow themselves to be vanquished as those in other countries have. Whether those countries know it or not, whether they appreciate it or not our freedoms protect theirs.
Warning! For those who would endeavor to try to confiscate our tools of defense or to subjugate our liberty, we Patriots stand ready.