Long Road to a Wasted Read
By David Baldacci
Open Letter to Baldacci
Over the years I have read many of your novels and have always had the feeling that you harbored a socialist ideology but since you seemed to work hard at disguising those tendencies I did continue to read your books.
This last novel, not only irritated me but pretty much bored me to death with endless pages of unimportant minutia. I kept thinking; Come on dude, get to it. “Long Road to Mercy” will for certain be the last novel of yours I will ever read. Clearly this story line was developed for the one purpose of taking underhanded cheap shots at my President. I hope those nasty little quips self entertained because they did you no service.
From the first pages one got the feeling this book was going nowhere while the subtle and not so subtle shots taken at Donald Trump set my liberal radar ablaze. Half way through this poorly composed theme you had one of your characters regurgitate the left’s lies quoting Trump as claiming all of the FBI people are crooks. At that point I was certain my radar had locked onto an old worn out dumb bomb.
For the record, David, Trump has said as many times as you can count on your fingers and toes, that it is only some of the top bureaucrats in both the FBI and the DOJ that were involved in illegal activity. Everyday more evidence is coming to the fore which is proving him, once again, to be correct. If you didn’t know, and I’m quite sure you do, the President has praised the FBI and its thousands of brave hardworking agents, such as your newly created Agent Atlee Pine.
Moving on now to this outrageously inept and completely unrealistic storyline about moving a tactical nuke into the grand canyon, using the Russians as partners while trying to place the blame for it on North Korea in order to give Trump a reason to level North Korea. A motif so idiotic it’s difficult to even put the concept of it on paper. I’m almost embarrassed to admit I finished reading it.
By the way, if such an international blame game were actually going to be undertaken, no corrupt administration would need to purchase and physically move a nuclear weapon into the Grand Canyon. The evidence needed to prove that could be accomplished in a few minutes with phony document forgeries and preparations. If they did have trouble with creating forged documents, Obama could give them a few pointers.
If you had ended this thing at Chapter 62, all the sneaky hits on our President could almost be ignored or should I say lost in the boredom. But no way, you couldn’t let it go there. You had to add Chapter 63, deciding I presume, that some of your, shall we say, less than astute readers, may not have understood that the villains in this adventure into endless ennui were President Trump and his administration.
Just for your edification, as if I really thought there was any chance of that, it was Donald Trump who has taken the danger of a North Korean war to a lesser probability than any administration over the past 70 years. And then you have the nerve and the enmity to suggest that Trump would be the instigator of war that could very well kill millions. Shame on you Mr. Baldacci!
With the chilliest of regards,
Dwight Kehoe