A Short Story
By Dwight Kehoe
The 4-H Club, after having won several awards for breeding a more productive dairy cow, decided to use the cash award it received for a once in a lifetime ocean cruise. The group of future farmers consisted of four fathers and four 14 year old children. Two were boys and two were girls. Anticipation and excitement grew as they stacked their bags up on the pier next to the loading dock.
Lining up too, was another group. Ladies who belonged to the Woman’s Club in the small town where most of them grew up. After decades of charitable work, which they organized and ran out of their modest little club house, the town council had announced it was building a new strip mall. The club house they used for over 40 years was being razed by order of eminent domain. Even though they were paid a fair price for the property, it meant the death knell of their club.
The 16 members were closer in age to 65 than 55 and during their very last meeting they voted unanimously to take the money from the sale, and for once in the many years of doing for others, spend it on themselves. They all agreed that a cruise would be just the thing. They, despite their maturity and experienced lives, were as giddy and excited as were the 4-H Club youngsters.
Also positioned between the velvet waiting line ropes was yet another buoyant bunch. They were members of a political party that had just won a very close and tense election where they ousted the opposing party. A party that had been in the majority for as long as any of them could remember. It was true the other party did not lock them out of legislative initiatives or policy making, but finally after all these years, they would now have the last word. In celebration of this great victory many elated donors provided for these 18 legislators, comprised of 8 women and 10 men, enough funds for them to unwind, recharge and prepare for their upcoming leadership roles and the transition to power.
There was yet another passel awaiting this cruise. There seemed to be a different atmosphere around this group. An ominousness that hinted at discomfort and disorder. The men, and even the women and children sensed it. Everyone refused to acknowledge it so as not to allow it to infringe upon the euphoria they were all enjoying.
This was a very large coterie which consisted of 43 young men aged between 18 and 35. Disconcertingly, they did not appear to have the same joyous anticipation as the others. One of the 4-H fathers, Harold, recalled their demeanor as almost efficacious. Although they were not rowdy, they appeared to enjoy the reactions they got by being inordinately loud. When an overly tattooed fellow made eye contact with one of the politicians, a guy named Adam, a chill passed through him which reflexively forced him to look down and away.
Once boarding began they were directed by a ship’s crewman to their quarters. They settled in, unpacking and preparing for a marvelous cruise. The 4-H Club, the politicians and the woman’s club members were subtly delighted to see those they had lined up with, were all being roomed on the same deck and the same section. Even more delightful and quite consciously so, they noted, there was no sign of those boisterous tattooed gentlemen.
On the fourth night, after a superb dinner and a delightful singing performance by the entertainment troupe, it happened. Just past 2:00 AM a rumbling vibration seemed to come up from far below. It grew in intensity until furniture wobbled and tipped over. Then there followed a horrendous sound made up of thunder like explosions and tearing metal. Harold, opening his door to the outside deck, was greeted by a frenzied ship’s mate screaming “abandon ship”. He pointed to a life boat just out side the room and ordered everyone from that section to get in, and quickly.
Harold asked what had happened but the crewman could only offer “I don’t know why, but the engine room exploded, it is catastrophic. Please abandon this ship now, while you still can.”
Half asleep and fully terrorized they emerged from their quarters almost zombie like and climbed into the awaiting skiff. Huddled together on the cold and damp seats, the lifeboat just about filled to capacity, began lowering. Marsha from the woman’s club, over the din, demanded that they get a full count of all before being lowered. A quick tally revealed all were present. A total of 42 heads were counted.
As the launch once again proceeded to be lowered to the roiling ocean below the ship’s mate bellowed one last order; “Row as fast and has hard as you can once you have released the jib lines. Don’t look back, just row.” And downward they went. In seconds, the dark and foamy swells were already spewing salty air, smelling of oil and smoke.
Harold and three others manned the oars and began frantically rowing in a direction unknown and not calculated. The convulsing cruise ship was making it’s final sounds as it tipped to its side and disappeared with a colossal hiss and groan as it was swallowed up in it’s own massive eddy current. After several minutes they had rowed beyond floating debris when one of the children, Sally, told her dad they should look for people who may be in the water. They went back a bit, scanned the darkness, there was no one. Nothing.
They decided that since the biggest danger had passed, it seemed logical to not move too far from the area in order to be seen and saved by rescue efforts soon to be underway. However, after 3 days the modest provisional stores in the life boat were running out. And with no sign of rescue ships or planes, Adam surmised that the explosion was so massive and comprehensive, so immediate, no one in authority had the time to signal mayday. That would mean it might be days before the ship was even missed and there would be no idea for rescuers, when the vessel went down or where.
After several days of rowing night and day, as the sun rose above the horizon behind them a puff of low hanging clouds appeared in the distance. Those clouds proved to be a fog which had coalesced over what looked to be land. As they got closer, indeed it was land, but not a continent, an island.
After beaching their life boat all 42 clambered out, stumbled and fell, exhausted, hungry, thirsty and most of all, thrilled to be alive and on solid ground. They spent the following few days scouting. Fresh water was found and there were many small animals and abundant vegetation which would sustain them until they were rescued.
As tensions subsided and they began getting more acquainted it was decided to begin preparing some sort of signal to alert possible rescue ships or planes. Harold suggested a slow burning smokey fire should be built on the highest ground and maintained 24 hours a day. So it was done.
After several days, spotted on the eastern horizon, a boat. Not a ship, in fact it appeared to be yet another life launch. They gathered on the beach intently watching as the new arrivals, ever so slowly, came into view. Rowing, not with oars, but with hands and what looked like pieces of wood from crates. Adam suggested they must have lost their oars in the rush and mayhem as they were lowered to the sea.
Getting in closer they could now see that the small skiff was loaded with many people, 40 or more, and they all looked to be males. Closer still and the reality of who they were, settled in on the beach congregation. No doubt about it now, it was them. The tattoo men.
Once beached Harold and a few other men went to assist the new arrivals, having been at sea longer than those already there, they were haggard, extremely tired, thirsty and some were badly sunburned. Harold noticed, as the last castaway was helped out that there were many canvas bags, zipped up and stacked along the edges of the boat. He hoped that whatever these men were able to gather up in the mayhem would be helpful. He was wrong.
Harold asked Peter, one of the 4-H dads, to help unload the presumed supplies. Like the striking of a snake, Peter’s arm was grabbed by Carlo. This guy seemed to be less tired, less gaunt and more in charge. Peter was told by him “Don’t touch our stuff.“ Peter complied.
As the tattoo men began gathering up their wares and bags from the skiff they setup a “temporary” camp just inside the edge of the wooded area beyond the beach. Carlo, with a grin more malefic than appreciative, said he wanted to thank them for that smokey fire. “Without it me and my friends would never have found this wonderful refuge.”
Meanwhile, Adam’s friend and fellow politician Maxine, pulled him quietly to the side and with a trembling voice and a quivering lip asked if he thought they were in serious trouble. Adam glanced at Jerry, his closest legislative friend, looked back at Maxine, and with an almost imperceptible nod, locked his eyes to hers.
This impromptu meeting grew gradually as Marsha and Rose, her dearest friend for like forever, joined up with Peter and Harold and shuffled over to Adam’s trio. If they were not convinced of the dire situation they faced, Carlo, from the edge of the clearing seemed to be pointing out Harold to one of his buddies, the overly tattooed one with the chilled look from back on the boarding dock. His glare had not altered.
Harold, making a good effort to appear as if he was unaware of the two men scoping him, told the group that until they got a better handle on how ugly this could get, each group should be very aware of what bad might be afoot. “Make sure that no one ventures away from their camp alone, especially the children.” They all agreed and went back to their respective groups.
The following morning Marsha and a few of her lady friends were cleaning up their area after a breakfast of boiled crabs and some tasty roots from the woods. Harold and Peter called Adam over to apprise him of the three figures approaching their camp. It was Carlo, Tattoo and a guy looking only about half as nasty as Tattoo. Carlo, without introducing Tattoo, indicated that the third guy was called OJ. As Peter offered introductions of those standing behind him, Carlo hardly disguising his disinterest, took the floor, so to speak, and began what was clearly a rehearsed speech. “My guys and I are very weak, undernourished and exhausted and we are aware that we need your help to get our strength back to a point where we can contribute to the survival of the people on this island.”
He said he was aware of the apprehension and concern about what might lay ahead. He claimed to understand the fear the men, women and those two “cute” little girls were experiencing. Then, looking directly at Adam and then Jerry, as if he knew or sensed that they were politicians, said “We are all Americans here, we are all aware of a need to maintain order and to rule and abide by Democratic means.”
Sensing the relief on the faces of a few of Adam’s friends, Maxine and Hilary in particular, he began again. “You people have nothing to fear from me or any of my boys. We promise to abide by Democratic rule and never violate any regulation or edict which is approved by the entire population of our little castaway community. In fact, OJ here, has already drawn up a very simple and strait forward document that we all will sign, if you agree. Signing it will be a binding promise, by all, to abide by all things voted on.”
Smiles grew wide on Adam’s and Hilary’s faces. This won’t be so bad after all. Democracy is a great thing. Peter pointed out that they might consider appointing leaders from each of their groups to represent them as they would surely have disparate requirements and interests. However, after a short conference during which both Adam and Jerry rejected Peter’s suggestion, all the adults then agreed on the Democracy system. OJ set up a makeshift table and every person, some more gleefully than others, signed the document. Carlo named it “The Democratic Island Constitution”.
Carlo suggested in order to get the process started the first vote to be taken would describe the age limit on when a person should have the right to vote. It was debated and then it was agreed to set the limit at 18 years of age. That first vote was taken that evening. It was unanimously passed. And so it became the first of many Democratic laws enacted on this Democratic island refuge.
A week had passed since the first minor confrontation over food reared it’s head. Two of Carlo’s men strode through Adam’s camp and helped themselves to Jerry’s rabbit type mammal he was cooking over a spit. One of them, Alejandro, to everyone’s surprise, reached behind his back and pulled a firearm. While pointing it at Jerry, he casually walked off with the meat, eating it as he went. Confrontation over.
Later that day, Harold and Peter filed a complaint with Carlo who waved the incident off with a “boys will be boys” comment. Harold then asked how many weapons were over in the other camp, Carlo replied “Enough”.
A committee formed and suggested two new laws. The first one would make it a crime to take food or provisions from another without consent. The second bill would allow every adult access the the firearms now being held by the Carlos group. They were scheduled for a full vote on the following day. After the vote count was totaled. Democracy in action, both bills were defeated, 43 to 34.
Adam, the following day, approached Carlo, who now was openly carrying a sidearm, and suggested that it had become very evident that a Minister or President should be elected. That would help solidify the camps behind someone they voted into office. Carlo agreed and volunteered to run for the position and suggested others do the same.
After several days Adam and Peter decided to run and the election was held the following evening. Peter received 20 votes Adam got 14, Carlo, now the new President, got 43. Democracy still functioning.
Another law was suggested and was voted on by the electorate and passed 43 to 34. That bill required any weapon made or used by the people, except those persons designated by the newly and democratically elected President, must turn them into the new Police Chief, a Mr. OJ, who had recently been appointed by the President. Weapons, but not firearms, would be issued to those who were approved to go on a specific hunting trip. All weapons must be returned to the armory when not in use. No weapons of any kind shall remain idol in any camp, except as approved by the President.
Harold approached Adam, the guy who as of now had missed being signed into his office back home as a result of this extended vacation, and brought with him Marsha from the ladies club. He asked Adam if he was satisfied with the way things were going and got only a gloomy look of despair.
Marsha wanted to know if there was anything they could do to make things work better for all. Harold said they had their chance to be represented differently, at a time when those now in control were weak and tired from the long days in the life boat. You people chose Democracy, of which I truly enough, also had a hand in.
The following week the President proposed several new laws to be voted on in a new election scheduled for that same day.
Here were the new proposals:
Women will no longer be given a vote.
Every camp must hand over half of the fish they catch and food they gather to the Carlo Group.
All women must consent to birthing the next generation and will be assigned a partner by the President.
Any person, not approved by the President, caught holding or harboring a weapon will be executed.
Any person found to be supporting a representative form of dominion, thereby subverting the Democratically elected leaders and laws, shall be placed on trial for sedition and when convicted, executed.
All 5 new laws were passed by a vote of 43 to 34. Democracy works.
Hopefully this story is to be continued…………