October 11, 2019
Dwight Kehoe
We have heard from both sides of the isle during these past two weeks about the Impeachment Inquiry the House is involved in. We have heard from Trump’s lawyers that the process by which the Demonrats are undertaking this is invalid and therefore the President will not cooperate with it. Good for them, even though they have failed to explain why.
Ignore for the minute that this inquiry and everyone associated with it has nothing to do with crimes by Trump and everything to do with a group of leftists working to destroy a President they fear and hate. While it might appear to the casual viewer that they are trying to remove him from office via the the Impeachment Claus in the Constitution, they are not. The Demonrats, although crazed and mentally ill, are not quite that stupid. They know the Senate will never convict Trump with the 2/3 vote required.
Why then? Two reasons: one is to create the idea that Trump should be Impeached so as to effect the 2020 election and the other is an effort to bottle him up and keep him from getting things done such as clearing out the swamp and tossing those evil, slimy dwellers into prison where they belong.
Pelosi is Speaker of the House, she is not the House. Therefore she has no authority to commence an Impeachment against the President. Her only authority lies in her right to call for a vote on it.
Article I Section 2 Clause 5: The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.
Note the semicolon after the word officers. That punctuation mark has a specific purpose. It connects two full and grammatically correct sentences which describe an associated subject. It states that the House shall choose the Speaker and the House will have Impeachment powers. It does not say The House shall choose a Speaker who will have Impeachment Powers.
So one single Congressman, from one single District, regardless of who is the Speaker, does not have the right to Impeach.
As stated earlier, Pelosi is mentally ill but not stupid. Why then is she trying to do this without a vote from the full house? For one, once the vote is taken, all those voting for Impeachment will need to defend it next November and two and most important, once the vote is taken and it is defeated, it will be over. Then the Demonrats will need to fabricate another crime. That takes time, a commodity they are quickly running out of.