The Causes and Effects
January 11, 2019
Most people have heard the term “the poisoned pawn” but, unless they have done more than just a bit of dabbling in chess, have no idea of what it means. There are several variations of the Sicilian opening but all of them have the same effect and outcome.
One side, very early in the match, presents to the opponent what appears to be an unprotected pawn, an easy mark, a free piece that could help gain a victory on points if the match ended in a draw. The ruse becomes evident only after this easy mark has been consumed.
As a result, the following moves will require the consumer of the poisoned pawn to evade the loss of a major piece. Slowly but surely that poisoned pawn begins the slow demolition of the consumer. By the time the taker of the easy piece realizes it, all the defensive moves he was forced to make have allowed his opponent to set up a powerful position which controls the center of the board. In the end, that easy mark becomes the dragon slayer. Thereafter only fools would venture another nip of that pawn. But fools do abound.
Donald J. Trump entered a chess match two years ago and after an opening move he appeared to be sitting unprotected, off to the side in the second row. Left wing politicians, dishonest journalists, crazy talk show hosts, never Trump RINOs, one and all, eyed the situation and decided to take the bait and they pounced.
Many who early on ingested the Trump pawn, very soon after began feeling woozie, getting headaches and stomach cramps and did their best to regurgitate their error, but to no avail. Still others who would forever be committed consumers of a perceived easy mark were also feeling the early symptoms but were sure that they would be able to overcome them and they would pass.
Then as the weeks and months went by, not only did the early symptoms not subside but others began to rear their ugly heads. These new symptoms caused nauseousness, blurred eyesight and hallucinations. The infected began hearing things that never were spoken, seeing things which never occurred and fabricating the intent and thought processes of others.
In the middle stages, at the sight or thought of the Trump pawn, they begin slobbering, ranting and raving while being consumed by uncontrollable crying, whining and whimpering. Illogical anger then begins to overwhelm them as salty perspiration drips from their brows into their doleful eyes interfering with their search for safe rooms.
And in the final stages as the end nears, they begin vomiting all over their mother’s basement couch. It’s very sad. And it stinks too. But the worst part is yet to come. Every psychobabble professional has declared, and so informed them, there is no known cure for TDS. None.
In the chess world every Grand Master who has ever tasted the poisoned pawn has gone down in defeat. Those who have consumed Trump’s pawn will discover, they too will be forever in search of an unattainable victory as there is no remedy for;
Trump Derangement Syndrome
Just like the Hallmark Channel, I love a happy ending.