November 17, 2019
Dwight Kehoe
Over the last decade or so I have written several expose’s concerning the man made global warming charade. They included many months of research which proved beyond a shadow of doubt that those perpetrating this hoax are not stupid, but they are evil, devious, lying con-men.
That is not to say that those people who have been duped by them are of that ilk. They, for the most part, are not. They have been conned by those who understand that many people need a cause, a goal and some way to make a difference. Perhaps changing out of their PJ’s, getting up before noon and going to work would help, but that is another story.
On the other hand those perpetrating this canard have but one goal. Your money! Money they have no desire to earn by toil and sacrifice, so the creation of a carbon tax fills their bill. New Jersey under Gov. Christi flirted with this method of purloining but was halted by the Bayshore Tea Party Group and others. Now the idiot living in the State House, I gag on his name, is at it.
We have shown how the collaborators compile data and create scenarios with graphs and charts in such a way as to convince as many people as possible of the dangers we face as a result of Co2. For whatever point they are trying to fabricate, they use data from a carefully chosen point on a scale, then extrapolate the results to make it look like what they want it to. This is difficult to visualize so I have included a link that shows how these data have been manipulated to mislead the gullible public. https://skepticalscience.com/80_graphs_climate_myths.html
Yet another arm of this hustle was to show dangerous trends and future environmental catastrophes using computer applications that were programmed to show just that. By manipulating, cheating and deceiving they actually prove one thing. That is, they know to inspire the masses, a requirement to perpetuate the scam, they must lie.
The strangest part of this is that if the followers of this scam actually were able to significantly reduce Co2 in the air, it would have devastating effects on the world’s food supply and could end life on earth. If this sounds a bit like the chicken little warnings reminiscent of warming crackpots, it is intended to, so as to prove a point.
Of course there is no way that people could reduce Co2 in any substantial amount that would effect our world. It is mathematically impossible for man to control the earth’s climate relating to the over-production or the underproduction of it . Here is an article that proves this. https://tpathwpe.wixsite.com/home/hoax-hucksters
Oxygen! O2! It is the compound element of life. Without it there would be no life. Without Co2 there would be insufficient oxygen to sustain life. As with so many elements on our beautiful planet, Oxygen does not just exist. It must be produced. Every breathing creature, from the tiniest insects to the largest blue whales, use up the oxygen supply. The upper atmosphere where sun particles crash into oxygen, which produces ozone, also reduces the oxygen level.
To be fair H2O, water, also can produce small amounts of O2 under conditions that break the element down, but in relation to the amount of Oxygen produced as a result of Carbon Dioxide, it is barely significant.
The vast majority of life giving O2 is produced as a result of Co2. Photosynthesis, something we all have heard of but which probably finds no purchase in the liberal school curriculum in the present, is the engine that produces oxygen. That engine is fueled by Co2. Vegetation, whether it be huge redwoods or the slimiest algae needs and uses Co2, which in turn produces Oxygen.
As the amount of Carbon Dioxide increases the more vegetation flourishes. The more it flourishes the more vegetables and fruits they produce. If plants are denied CO2 they will not produce life staples, and they will in fact die. This is proven everyday by farmers who use Co2 generators in their greenhouse buildings to increase productivity.
There is a delicate balance in the atmosphere where Oxygen is about 21% and Carbon Dioxide is .045%. Both of these percentages have fluctuated over millions of years but, in the full scope of things, very little.
The bottom line is this. Man and beast use vast amounts of Oxygen everyday. It must be replaced. Carbon Dioxide does that replacing. The more CO2 in the environment the healthier is vegetation. Larger and more abundant plants produce greater quantities of Oxygen. This is a balance that God and nature have regulated and have done a superb job of it without the help global hucksters.
Mankind, in all his activities, manages to produce about 14% of the .045% of Co2 in the air. In real numbers that’s .00144% of the total atmospheric composition. In other words, if all of mankind were dispatched from the globe, that .00144% would be the total reduction of Co2.
Having said that, even if these people got their wish and Co2 was somehow reduced by half or even more, our planet would begin to die. Farmers would not be able to grow enough produce to feed the world. Forests would disappear, the oceans would would die, the earth would cease to support life.
So maybe, just maybe, if the pajama snowflakes did go out, get a job which produces Co2, they would in fact be helping to save our planet. What a concept!!!!
Dwight Kehoe