TPATH REMARKS November 26, 2018
Much has been said about the thousands of people who are abandoning their countries, leaving behind what little property and belongings they have, while subjecting themselves and their families to an uncertain and dangerous trip north to America’s southern border.
Much of what we are watching is illogical and quite frankly, borders on lunacy. It is true that many of these people are under educated and therefore easily manipulated by the well funded leftist and globalist organizations which use them like fodder. These groups do not just require the showcase of misery and suffering, they thrive on it. Destitution and human agony are the tools the left employs in its never ending battle to create a one world government.
But let’s get back to the migrants. President Trump, as well as few others have questioned as to why these people are waving the flags from countries they are fleeing. Many of them have burned the American flag and cursed America while arduously making their way towards the land they cursed and away from the land they claim to love.
One needs to ask why America is the preferred destination of people ravaged by despotic governments and economically dead ended countries. Of course we know why, but those trying to get here illegally have no clue. America is free, America is great, America is prosperous and America is the land where anyone can become as successful as their energy and desire take them. But why is America all of those things? America is what it is because our young, strong and healthy men have always chosen to stay here and fight for liberty and prosperity. Not flee like rabbits in the face of tyranny.
Every danger the American people have faced has been confronted. Our ancestors, our grandfathers, our fathers and in some cases, ourselves have taken up arms, placed fortunes and safety at risk to do battle against those who would endeavor to challenge our freedoms. The French and Indian wars, through the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the Civil War, WWI, WWII, the Korean War and many other battlefields of sacrifice are just some of the examples of the American people standing up for their country.
The America people have over the 200 years of our existence refused to allow a central government to control us, to dominate us, to purge us of our property. We refused to be disarmed or to become toothless sheep grazing in the fields at the mercy of fanged governments.
In other words we stayed in our country, fought for our country and did not desert our country in the face of danger. In many ways our struggle continues to this day and for certain, it will need to do so forever. When Americans wave our flag, we wave it with honor and respect for those who sacrificed so much for greatest country God ever created.
A final message for all those cowards fleeing their countries in order to come here to enjoy what we have sacrificed to obtain, go home and fight for your country, for your freedom and your prosperity, the way we Americans have.
When and if the time comes for America to take a stand once again and confront those who would wish to destroy us, what help could we possibly expect to get from those who fled here instead staying home and fighting for their own land? The answer to that is obvious.
Some will say that these people fleeing their country have no chance at staying home and defeating their despotic leaders. After all they have no ability to fight the regimes powering over them. They have no weapons or firearms that are imperatively needed tools in order to mount a successful fight.
To that I say, exactly!