Dwight Kehoe
August 8, 2019
For sure the images of people crying for lost loved ones and video replays of blood soaked floors and bandages will take its toll on everyone viewing the mayhem. This article, while being critical of the “train wreck” media for its incessant recounting of the dead and injured, in no way endeavors to diminish or devalue the suffering and loss of life these episodes have produced.
It is no secrete by now, even to those supporters of the Demonrat Party, that these bleeding-heart politicians, left wing journalists and the major media outlets actually care very little, if at all, about the dead or the plight of the survivors. These incidents are nothing more to them than another opportunity to instill fear of all firearms and firearm owners. In their eyes the dead and wounded are just so many pawns in their relentless objective of disarming America.
While many of these reporters are skilled at arrogance, word manipulation, fabrication of false accusations and intentions, most of them are terrible actors. As they put on the faux sad faces its difficult for many of them to hide their inner elation at yet another chance to void the Second Amendment.
This past evening all the major news outlets, including FOX, reminiscent of several idiots trying to beat the others into a toll booth, scrambled to report how foreign countries have put out, as a result of these shootings, “travel warnings” for those intending to travel to the US. These countries included the wonderfully blissful place of utopian harmony called Venezuela and the gun controlled murder capitol of the world, Mexico. It of course is not surprising that Socialist and Communist countries would use these events for propaganda purposes. There was a time however, when we would be shocked that our own media would join the enemies of America and help disseminate and regurgitate their swill. Sadly those days are gone.
Here are some statistics, again not to make light of this week’s shooting sprees, but to put to rest the idea that everyone in this country is in danger of being the next mass shooting victim. That of course is the narrative of the gun grabbing left, so it needs to be addressed using data, numbers and percentages which relate to the likelihood of this kind of violence being perpetrated on any one individual.
Because 2019 is not yet complete the statistics covered here are from 2018. It is important to note that 2019 is pretty much on target to be little changed, in all categories, from the final tallies of 2018.
Let’s begin with the likelihood that you or a loved one will be a victim of a mass shooting in any one year period. Suppose that you are the worlds most proficient party animal and you were in a crowded area for 24 hours every single day for the entire year. It would seem that you could very possibly be in the wrong place at the wrong time and become the victim of the next mass shooting. Thinking like a snowflake, maybe. But putting it into perspective, statistically, an extreme improbability. Here’s why.
There are 329,400,000 people living in America as of this date. (Many more uncountable illegals, but that’s for another story.) In 2018 a total of 340 people were killed in mass shootings. That is less than one each day. That number is represented as .0001032% of the population. Odds even the average snowflake can, to use a coined phrase, live with. In fact you are more than twice as likely to die taking a bath than getting caught up in a shooting.
Yes! Much bigger. First let us consider traffic accidents. Being in a vehicle on the roads in America poses a much greater threat than mass shooters. But because these deaths are generally reported only locally and not too often in large numbers per incident, the actual danger is muted. Here are some data and related percentages.
As of 2018 there were over 250 million registered vehicles on our roads and highways. In contrast to that, Americans own over 400 million legal firearms. (This does not include the illegal ones, which is a massive number.) So this means that there are 150 million more registered guns than registered vehicles.
In 2018 over 40,000 people were killed in traffic accidents. That is 110 deaths every single day. When compared to the entire population as we did with the shooting deaths the chances of dying in a traffic accident stands at .01214%. That amount is 117 times larger than mass shooting deaths. In other words any one individual is 117 times more likely to die on the road than a random shooting.
Not by a long shot. Death by doctor stands heads and shoulders above traffic fatalities. There are many discrepancies concerning the actual totals, mostly because of cover ups and other concerns which list the annual deaths due to medical malpractice at between 250,000 to 400,000 annually. We used the smaller number for this report but keep in mind that if the 400k number is correct these percentages would be even more staggering.
Using the smaller estimate of 250,000 annual malpractice deaths, every day 684 persons die as a result of contact with a doctor. That is an astounding 58 every hour. Talk about mass murder. You are actually 735 times more likely to be killed by your doctor than you are in a mass shooting.
Of course that will never happen. We need doctors and most of them are skilled and do save lives. Vehicles are needed to support and maintain lifestyles and the economy. Most drivers are skilled at keeping their cars between the lines. The benefits far out weigh the unwanted deaths, even at the astounding numbers we just listed.
So why has the law abiding gun owner been vilified and treated as potential criminals as doctors and motor vehicles are given a pass? Especially when you consider that while many doctors are good and vehicles are needed, the existence of neither of them is protected under our Constitution.
The answer to that is simple if you have been paying attention. Despite the hand wringing, the tears and the phony rhetoric the left could not care less about any victim unless the misery can be used in the war against conservatism in furtherance of full and total government control. Dead patients or squished vehicle passengers therefore have no value.
The leftist politicians and the lemmings that follow them are in no way concerned about public safety. As with every left wing tyrannical government throughout history, the only safety concern they have, is theirs. No better way to stay secure and in power than to disarm the people. It is no more complicated than that.
So the question of Are You In Danger can be answered, yes! If we allow the left to manipulate the people and begin disarming us we are all in grave danger. In danger of losing our liberty and we don’t like that, in danger of losing our lives. Hundreds of millions of mass graves lay truth to that.
Will the American Patriot stand still for that or will we stand strong against it?
I know what my answer will be.