July 2, 2020
Dwight Kehoe
Everyone that was informed of this epidemic at its beginning has had to consider the possibility that it could be the start of a major catastrophic event. All Americans were ready to do what was necessary to prevent Covid-19 from killing hundreds of millions of people. The nature of it and the potential for world wide devastation was unknown.
We allowed the cessation of our basic civil rights, businesses voluntarily closed down, many understanding that they may never open again. We were ready and willing to make almost any sacrifice required to save lives.
Then as the left wing media here at home and around the world realized that this virus could be used as a instrument to further their objectives the onslaught of fear and trepidation commenced. There needed not to be a conference call whereby the plans could be set. None needed to be enlightened about the opportunity which was being placed on their doorstep. Just as a wolf needs no pedagogy on how to pounce on and devour an injured lamb, as does it, the left operates on instinct.
Some of the worldwide objectives are to end capitalism, property rights, and freedom to live life without bureaucratic interference. And there is the New World Order that requires population control by any means possible. Mandatory vaccinations and world conflicts are two tools they have in their nasty armory.
The objective of America’s lefties is the same, except those fall in line behind the most urgent outcome. The is the end of Donald J. Trump and anyone who has supported him and the disgusting concept of “America First”.
Once one understands those objectives it is not difficult to see why this epidemic has played out as it has. It is not hard to translate what they say into what they desire. After several months of this ungodly assault on our lives, our freedom and our livelihood, here are the facts that destroy those desires.
HCQ (hydroxychloroquin) save lives, especially if used early.
HCQ is taken by over 90% of front line workers, doctors and nurses as preventative. (Even if many deny it)
Over 40% of deaths have occurred in nursing homes and people with underlying medical conditions. (Which is just about everyone in a nursing home.)
No healthy child has died from the virus and there is no evidence of a child transmitting it to an adult.
Anyone under the age of 40 and healthy has less than 0.004% of dying from COVID-19.
While COVID-19 is more contagious than the annual flu it is no more deadly.
The virus primarily kills the very old and very sick.
Masks are ineffective in preventing the transfer of the virus.
In a matter of minutes the virus becomes inert in the sun.
The most effective way to weaken and destroy any chance of the virus making a return is to have the healthy population create a mass immunity.
Healthy people under 75 are not in danger of dying and those under 50 vary rarely show any symptoms beyond that of a common cold.
Almost 100% of those healthy and under 40 who contract the virus do not get ill or have any symptoms.
Covid-19 has mass and dimensions. Its diameter measures 0.0000008 inches. That is about 2,300 times smaller than the pores of the skin.
The virus is lighter than air and can be suspended for long periods of time during which it can enter the body many ways. Through the mouth and nose, but also floating into the eyes or landing on and entering through the pores of the skin.
The perforations in a common face mask are over 2,000 times larger than the COVID-19 virus. Expensive surgical masks have slightly smaller openings but are still ineffective.
Masks do not stop the virus from leaving or entering it. It is physically impossible. Just as it is not possible that a cyclone fence could keep out a mosquito.
Masks create health issues for those wearing them for long periods. Little known to most people is the fact that the human mouth harbors more dangerous bacteria than the average toilet seat. Bacteria is tens of thousands of times larger than the virus and is blocked or trapped by a cloth mask. This creates a very unhealthy build up of germs which are then inhaled into the lungs or passed on to others by hand as a result of mask adjustments.
There has been a massive increase in lung infections since this mask madness has begun.
Carbon dioxide (Co2) is not a toxin but when it displaces oxygen, as it does inside a mask, the lungs receive less oxygen and more Co2. Those wearing masks have had dizzy spells, fainting episodes and in some cases have died.
Masks do not make you safe or make you feel safe. They create a phobia. Those seeing a mask wearer are reminded of the danger that person or any person poses. Anyone wearing a mask is constantly reminded of the danger everywhere.
A mask is the equivalent of the sheep herder’s barbed wire fence. Everyone walks around in their own little fenced in pen, frightened to death of the other pens.
If you are scared, you are compliant. If you are compliant you are the bureaucrat’s ideal citizen.
Knock off the mask bull crap. We are getting sick not from the virus but of your ignorance. Freedom is more valuable to us than going to see a stupid baseball game.
We have learned much about this virus and those parasitic purveyors of fear and that knowledge has enabled a clear thinking direction and defined steps which are necessary for a healthy country and a strong economy. Remember this virus is only dangerous to our freedom if we permit it to be welded as a weapon by the haters of you and your country.
Inform the leftists we are not going to take this anymore.
Open every business to full capacity with signs warning that unhealthy and or older people are at risk.
If anyone knows an older person who is at risk, friend, parent or grandparent, stay away from them for 10 days after you have been among people.
Children are not at risk nor do they transmit the virus to others. Open all schools immediately and for God’s sake, no dangerous masks.
Less than 1% of active school teachers are in the high risk category. Inform them of this but let them decide to stay away.
Young healthy people will create the mass (herd) immunity which is required to prevent a resurgence of the COVID-19 strain.
Tell those left wing anti-Trump, anti-American and anti-capitalist mayors and governors to stick it.
Let’s work, shop, party and get back to school.